Monday, September 19, 2005

What Causes Fluid In The Pouch Of Douglas


It is finished! Pretty much everyone in Germany is against the election results with perplexity. GröDaZ Münte and proudly announce their victory, Merkel seemed totally disappointed and rightly notes, Fischer tried quite successfully as a Late-Night Entertainer and the FDP, is celebrating quite wrongly in my opinion. Of course, the joy is understandable for almost 10%, but to be honest, I had the pleasure but much stuck in the throat. First of all, and the top of the well-being of the country, Germany, say the people, and only then should follow the party. Under no circumstances should you put the welfare of the party over the welfare of the people.
But what will the people?
honesty was convicted yesterday by the people. The election manifesto of the Union was one of the most honest of all. This honesty it was yesterday Incredibly, undoing.
than half of the German people identified with social democratic and socialist ideology, some of them even with totalitarian communism. How the hell are these people hope to solve the serious problems? By more left-wing politics, with less freedom? In which country in the world, this has proven to be a solution formula for economic and social problems? The real losers
of yesterday evening were not the parties, it was not Angela Merkel or Gerhard Schröder, no, it was solely Germany. For the German people is that this disastrous result has spoon. This election result is not theoretically possible coalition will be able to successfully solve problems and bring far-reaching reforms in the way can.
This leads to the question of governing coalition which Germany will soon. The classic traffic light has been clearly excluded from the FDP, even if the SPD continues to diligently hoped it, there will be no traditional traffic lights. Nor does a grand coalition would be promising. With this result, with three seats difference in favor of the Union would both parties, the CDU / CSU and the SPD, discounted to only a Wait time for a vote of no confidence to bring about new elections. And who will ever lead the grand coalition? Schroeder certainly not, although he continued, apparently being under the influence of drugs, otherwise I can not explain his remarks and gaffes yesterday little more, sees himself as chancellor. But Angela Merkel would have no future as Chancellor. From his own party criticized the SPD already dubbed as unacceptable. There remains the question of Schwampel. My friend AS saw this in yesterday as the lesser evil. I am also very skeptical about this situation. If the realos the Greens assert itself and hence are only the basis for such a coalition set? Can the conservative block in the Union on a cultural balancing act of wrestling with the Greens and get in a boat? And the extreme contrasts between the FDP and the Greens will overcome?
There may be no point at which there is in all three coalition parties to an intersection. Granted, the positions of the Greens and the FDP are with the civil rights almost identical, but just like here on behalf of the Union have conflicting views with the FDP and the Greens with the Union significant differences.
A very bizarre situation in which we find ourselves. Pragmatically, the Schwampel certainly seems to be the best solution, or say rather the least worst solution.
There are exciting days to come upon us, and it will be very interesting to follow the other coalition negotiations.
But one thing we can now use your stick, the big loser of last night is Germany.


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