Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Lighted Bow And Swag

the Christmas story .... 12/30/2009

Ingeborg's Christmas Carol parts

actually she seems a little sad at times and / or gschlamperte as anti-social, paranoid relationships with additionally a religious.

yes, and there's a funny "moral" aspect. madl a young, pregnant, and that's where it seems sometimes to be not quite clear who the father is there at all. and that this child is the son of god, well bumsti how to do that?

nevertheless there is a man named Joseph, which accounts for the seemingly nothing and supports its maria on the aberrations of the theatric. But it's been pretty well be that Mary and for men is even important, oda?

but there are still all these people turn up their nose, because there are a few around pulls, the under these also the joyful hope actually have a home and not like the poor sinner should go from house to house. what is that for antisocial behavior and if they had not intended to consider before, that a child to get the last one is what fits in their situation?

I'm assuming that neither Joseph nor Mary told the people that they have followed the pregnancy of a kind of professional higher places. and certainly they have not told me that the father is actually the Holy Spirit. and certainly not be said that Mary the Son of God in the heart. or say / woman there but if it is a vocation?
would at all events today what with this kind of this quartier gefagten to call people probably immediately in psychiatry, where the two then at least have a warm home.

So what do we do in 2009 with such a history, which has apparently survived the centuries, for Christmas and / or the birth of Christ is still a big party. although now more the gifts of the later approach pilgrim point from the east have moved into the foreground, remains a real Christmas for years running in the fixed point.

after being required in many places and in spite of the hectic shopping gifts and "contemplative" Christmas, then look ma reasonable time after the order for Christmas also be.sinnlich is oda?

because I was so god-was due to non-baptized Catholic, I can investigate heretical, what is there to jüngfräulich by the Holy Spirit with the Son of God become pregnant is all about.

ufff, me first, of course, reminded of what Catholic women have to krichenvertreter including trailers for a nicht.verhältnis. they probably have, too. and how stupid that the Son of God, to the meat - which presumably means to be human, now has to somehow get "normal" world to the. obviously, there must be a woman here! but your order must be and where would we be there when there was no father there? God the Father is indeed untouchable for a generation process and / or anyone who resides there in the sky (?), well is not take but fatherhood. but because he is God, he claimed this child as his son and everyone (believers) believes it to him. it would be for the Holy Spirit, God as a kind of whisperers for the ideas of the lord?

na, so we will not.

but "whisperer" is already a starting point! ma and stay times for women, which are often totally illogical decision but with a "belly voice," intuition and inner knowing something. So logically it is not at all an inner voice to follow, for what should be? since there is no scientific evidence demonstrating that this inner voice somewhere in the body shall be fixed. and even less, there is scientific evidence why a mother captured lightning in a hurry, what kind of threatening her and / or promoting and / or then with superhuman powers to save her child and / or with infinite endurance could support her child. I call-children as a mother of 3 times this inner voice as "holy spirit".

"sacred" because this spirit is not to personal feelings, but is geared to something else. ok, the Catholic church was going to God and his "law" to bring into play, so do what God says, and you are okay. ha, and when God speaks as well as powerful and important words, he apparently has no voice that is heard by the people really, oda? or God is so smart that he knows that alone is a bit difficult to align and / or that man himself set a good example of common ground has to make it credible?

tja and also those who get there a connection between remote terrestrial and celestial spheres sue?
what to say or gscheit ideal of a heavenly throne somewhere, but the everyday implementation something completely different. aha, there must be a normal human being since the ideal and the gscheit lives (before), so that man / woman is an example it can take. tjaja, an incarnate Son of God is therefore only logical.

I find it interesting that as the male gender was given a special meaning-a son. and back to the Christmas story, where the man josef degree views as a fellow traveler looks, who say nothing in the whole thing. or is this an example of love josef even for those who survived "his" unborn son later? take time to not think he has an example of the celibate life of the Catholic church representatives should be, because the chruch has so far not given.

so what now?

is God, the man after his created in the image. probably means that we are God or can be. and if we now sky-god throne from the imaginary encounter - or better - the statement that he loves us, keep at face value, then God is either just as a rogue and / or a fine as we called itself probably that we both love as well (may), a lá nobody is perfect and / or "better" from that of the others. well, that we would have been resolved.

what we need now that son or the holy spirit called whisperers?
halejua, who is son really awesome (if we follow his story away from Christmas), as has been smooth, what he meant to do / do need. I think that was because the whisperers also strongly at work. say the guy has not paid attention to the customs of the society, but followed his intuition, as apparently his mother whether the "dubious" circumstances of his birth, too. all at least very revoluzionär and brave, and because the mother was the first brave, the son has inherited virtually halt.
and what was there with Joseph? has not been too brave, mitzutrippeln in the "shame" here?

the brave was clearly maria! she felt that something is "right" no matter what their personal state would have been to. she all wrongs to be read, not deterred by rejection or other adverse circumstances abandon their pregnancy. she went her way unerringly and certainly, even if they did not know where it will eventually be home. it was therefore strong, so strong to even a date "on the open field" to look into the eye. they never gave up hope, the hope was not a warm home, but ultimately the birth of something special. She was persistent, and prepared, because the pregnancies hatch special and a new time.
circumstances and in all the anti she was accompanied by a man who did not ask how or why, but of its hosted off after her. he confided to her that he helped her knock, he urged not evaluated, not in the foreground, he was like an "invisible shadow" DA. yes, maybe it gave him that she "only" liked and / or in their unswerving "impressed"?

uijuuiiii as comma aba gewürx now! what a man give up his job today ity and intuition, or the "dubious project," follow b / a woman (do)? and these "virginity", some probably mean greenness, with the women as devoid of logic to tackle anything, help, can not work, yes! values / s remain exposed so that the logic that are in a known and researched based. and what is new and because most occur? nothing. and what works at all? also nothing to say I would do again.

and what is now tells us this Christmas story, or what's the sense?

my wish to Father Christmas would be that women feel their undeterred go away and men and that they thereby without logical or buts support.

and therefore I wish Christmas both women and men courage and confidence and a happy!

yours (almost) unwavering ingeborg

Ingeborg's Christmas Carol parts

Friday, December 11, 2009

How Much Light Do We Gain Each Day After

man - and mirrors the image of the cosmos

Man - image and mirrors of the cosmos
information evening on astrology in the gallery "Ex-Pan-Vision" in Brilon

Everyone knows today "where is his sun" and knows that his "sun sign", but when it comes to the Ascendant ( the rising sign), or even goes to the whole birth chart with its network of connections to fit most people, because very few know their birth time.

What relationship is really the man to the stars? What is Astrology? What is a Horoscope? And what with the help of a horoscope can actually "seen" or be recognized? How can I check the seriousness of the astrologers? And what about the free will of man?
this and similar questions asked by the Briloner astrologer and Küntlerin Sundra Kanigowski to two information evenings in her gallery talk "Ex-Pan-Vision" in Brilon.

"As a psychologically oriented astrologer I use the chart as a means of personality integration Whether in individual sessions in the group on the walk-Astro Carpet (horoscope-up) or the painting of his own birth Mandalas -. Always, it's about to belong to us parts of the personality in keep track of their mutual relations, their will and work for us and for our development in order to feel fully responsible. "

On Wednesday, 30/12/2009 and on Tuesday, takes place each 01.05.2010 at 19.30 h in Brilon an information evening presentation.
Gallery "Ex-Pan-Vision" is located at Bahnhofstrasse 14 (pedestrian zone) on the 2nd Floor. Tel 02961-742717
prior appointment. Pre-Christmas Greetings

Sundra Kanigowski

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hydrocephalus Craniosacral Therapy


Actually, the scientific approach interesting is that the brain due to its capacity to store experience, takes on the "identity element" is.

That is, who has no memory, do not know who he / she is. On the other hand, we know the science, or ordinary people and that our brain does not store our experiences or information gaps. Man / woman can frequently at this or that simply do not remember. Or we know the story that 2 people together to remember a situation experienced "several", or to individual details "several" do not remember. Well, first as a nuisance if / woman takes up to an exam and can not remember the castle that the formula F = m * a would apply.

Forgetful, yes, but that one's identity at risk?

So, what could Happen if someone has an "identity crisis"?

Is this a matter of "inadequate" brain that suddenly can not remember large parts of life?
Or put differently: If someone writes a daily diary, so all can read what has happened over the years, therefore, never an identity crisis? Did this diary writing a more stable human identity?

I highly doubt that:) ... and also: Who writes in times of Facebook, Twitter & Co have a diary? But what could / woman to remember the thousands of short messages there? Or which identity is in ZwitscherInnen and / or face büchler inside, if, after a week not even remember anymore, what they have posted?

No problem, the computer and / or the Internet is a perfect support, the gaps in the brain as memory extenders on the jumps to help. No one needs more difficult in the diary read, but receives a memory, with a page by typing Keywort be haunted - Life logging, the (technical) recorded life, the computer that never forgets.
And in comparison to the diary, which was still possible lockable with a key that is shared in blogs and social networks, virtual life with others.


If this sharing is not only a newsletter that serves their own self-promotion and narcissism?
Still ... the processes, including digital memory in virtual environments and social networks provide a way to find out who is man / woman.

identity is not a detached "" own product, "but is experienced in association with others. Experiences have an emotional character, is not nothing of good, funny, busy, happy, bad, etc. experiences spoken to the man / woman recalls happy or less happy. And when a man capable of learning in any manner, then he is out of memory to the "bad" experience try some future "better" to make or otherwise. Ie memory of the past influenced the action potential for the future.

is so mobile not our identity in perpetual motion between remembered experience and new possibilities for action to be discovered? In other ausgdrückt: Have we ever an identity that our lives are "identified" as does our passport or driving license?

A look at the 30-year-old photo in my driver's license just lets me "when I" know, but said even a car papers controlling police officer: "You should a new license = new identification down! "That is the photo shows that my identity has changed, even if the ad would only show at a different hairstyle.

And what about the "identity crisis"?

it does not break out if we wanted to nail down to an identity, which in emotional memory so "happy" in our mind's eye "hoisted"? Or
appeared to you when we socialize ourselves with people who try to dictate or less fixed identities of the superlatives of eternally young, agile, successful, happy?

identity seems to me remembered as a snapshot in a particular situation, such as a photo in the passport or driving license. A photo of me looks on vacation before the Buddha at Sri Lanka as completely different, and shows a completely different identity from me. In my memory, produced in the two photos, I get a sense for what puzzle pieces make up my personality. As many pieces of the puzzle would then live and integrate into a community to be, then - shows in my terminology authenticity:)

Tjaja so considered, identity is "only" a role that I in each play at a certain time games. And these roles have indeed not at all be inauthentic, oda?
should perhaps remind man / woman just how different roles have been taken "seriously" in order to be able to laugh about this now "Überindentifikation.
Yes, smile, it is an "identity crisis" but probably excluded ;))))

property, so I'm going to my role as writer and finish times to meet briefly my role as housewives. I stopped writing for the role of listener (Clientin), did not change my role as blogger and read my role as a networker I also read the emails between :)))))

* Schmunzel *, very authentic Ingeborg

Turn Red When Nervous

5:12:09 Langer Malabend in Brilon

Christmas is coming and the LONG MALABEND offers this time also (but not only!) As an opportunity, a personalized picture gift for nice people make. Besides the proven GOUACHE colors can now be painted with ACRYLIC studio-quality color on canvas.
When: Saturday, 12.05.2009 19-23 clock
Where: 59929 Brilon, Bahnhofstrasse 14
(pedestrian zone), II floor
Fee: € 35 per person

The price for the 4-hour Malevent the consumption of ink, paper and other materials, snacks, cold and hot drinks and two glasses of wine / champagne are included. For each participant, a small format is intended for acrylic painting (40 cm), for the partner-painting, a correspondingly larger format. With the gouache colors, may still be unrestricted experimentation on cardboard.

The reservation of Malplatzes is to Thursday, 12/03/2009 possible by written notification (e-mail) or previous transfer to my bank account Account Number 41651770 Sort Code Hochsauerland 14101752

I look forward to the long Malabend with you!
details on my website