Thursday, December 16, 2010

Discount Ugg Fluff Momma

Smell of coffee wafts through the air.

coffee with Frieda von Harburg, ANNO 1950th
What the coffee all so can
the miracle hot drink is not
tastes only, and then,
his reputation is even better
than you think so, because its
errors are absolutely refuted.
but please read on, if you have doubt, truly,
Three to four cups of coffee,
sometimes a little more,
throughout the day, if you please, can you enjoy without regret
because as we know now, yes,
the benefits of the coffee rather because he
prior cardiovascular disease
protects us all.
And the coffee in
three to four cups a day,
can do even more, it reduces the
breast cancer risk in women very,
holds over sixty-five
over decades mentally fit,
It is what inspired,
the Coffee is a real hit.
--. And the
is Kohlehydratspeicher,
at power-athletes, as well
with football players, amateur joggers
then once all totally empty,
compensated quickly by
noodles and caffeine consumption.
Also for the diseased liver,
of coffee, more of a plus.
And now, almost to the conclusion Dewatering
many cups of coffee, is not true
and thus also against kidney stones, should filter
but the coffee of course,
I must also mention here soon.
Solely, pregnant women and the so
sensitive stomach, how can it be otherwise
, should be even more cautious. ©

^ ^ ^ nice
With regards, kuddel_hh. >>>)))))" °>
Otherwise, if: "Photo: Eigenpro, rhyme anyway, Design: sketches"

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ap Biology Laboratory 6

HARBURG, my beloved Harburg says Frieda.

(Harburg Frieda)

HARBURG, my beloved Harburg,
says Frieda.
So a like Frieda, who was never there, she lives in the beautiful
HH-Harburg, on the edge of a tree containing
Avenue, which leads to the green
Göhlbachtal, towards Ütschendiek over.
falls almost daily you to this valley because
the greenery, more than the Wisdom, its
large, joyful choice and then towards
"their" Haake, of the "Golden Cradle" past
trees which the road from home field at all,
wonderfully generous, shade-giving, line.
further then the half-timbered house on the corner,
which always barks of colorful dog down, to
wonderful "milk base, there are out in full
flower, flowers, shrubs and lilacs, here it is
house, Harburg Frieda and often hears them
Hersing softly to himself, very charming songs of praise,
about their beloved Hamburg-Harburg, all the time and again.

. ©

^ ^ ^ nice
With regards, kuddel_hh. >>>)))))" °>
Otherwise, if: "Photo: Eigenpro, rhyme anyway, Design: sketches"
http://uppix .com/f-Harburg_und_die_4d073dee0007c08b.jpg

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Kate's Playgroundreven Movie

The old dachshund lady.

Christmas rush in the city, and red wine punch
everywhere satisfied. An old lady trotted
painfully behind young companion,
she looked at me with oversized
brown eyes as if to
tell me, help me, help me, I'm old
can, but no further.
I looked over at
irritates them so young companion,
thought so burdensome
movement of the dog rather cheerful.
ruled on the animal, before you
dachshund animal finally come on.
difficulty crept by dachshund lady
Puddles and wet snow.
I turned the heart of the loaf,
brutalized like that on the feast on
stone dam, you there, you young people,
her three heartless couple, however, be
in the vast, noisy cheerfulness,
Do not you see the dog's suffering.

^ ^ ^
With regards, kuddel_hh. >>>)))))" °>
Otherwise, if:
"Photo: Eigenpro, rhyme anyway, Design: sketches"
======= ===
ANIMAL NEVER a torment even as a joke,
because it feels like the DU PAIN.
.... From
ANNO, but more relevant than ever.

Monday, November 1, 2010

No$gba How To Connect To Internet

for milk only a few cents more .......

The greatest addition to our beautiful nature,
on forests, pastures, field and on the floor,
the many small hard-working farmers, who, every day you
Best give the pump iron from
morning till night for us. The
provide loving her flock animals, so that we do have
all, do not just eat now, to
, but also TOMORROW.
But I am worried whether these
little revenue, the German farmer wants
may or may not provide us good, plentiful.
dies first, the small, hard-working farmer, died
the healthy nature then, thereafter, only
the meat and milk from large farms only
as for the animals it was made, Gone
any concerns with investment managers in the wind.
why should our suppliers, thus supporting the
industrious farmers, a few cents more for its
as good and as healthy milk,
would do him very well and very good.
Thus, we base by a few cents extra costs
our hardworking farmers and thereby turn the nature
and protect animal loving.
.. ©

With nice regards, kuddel_hh. >>>)))))" °>

Friday, October 29, 2010

Famosas Mexicanas Grabadas Follando


weaver spider

Seeing the weaver spiders,
one might even want to quickly escape
kill start.
think, but by how useful in
you in the home, they can be.
the basement large or small, is
come so many evil vermin.
Since it is of great benefit if
basement walls with lime paint deleted zuschlemmen
joints so to plaster.
stay that way the basement walls pretty sterile,
is fast feasible and does not cost much.
And she, the spider, she wakes up on top of that,
what's perhaps one
crawled in through the basement window.
She 'then the same, destroy them,
small crawling animal and the greyish mites.
, keeping the basement, and thanks LIME SPIDER,
almost sterile, clean and pure, not the fine. ©

^ ^ nice
With regards, kuddel_hh. >>>)))))" °>

Otherwise to:
"Photo: Eigenpro, Rhyme anyway, Design: sketches "

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Paris Kennedy Online Watch

Venus conj Sun - Venus with increased plasma

Image: Werner Neuner: Venus plasma emission and crop circle

The vibrancy in the world is in full swing, recognizable, and others also due to an increased expulsion of the Venus plasma - an increase of 60,000% over the past 40 years, according to a source of New Scientist 31/05/1997 based on NASA data).

on Friday, 29.10.10, due to the inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun the Earth's atmosphere brings with it an extra dose of Venus plasma. This three-day bombardment (28 -. 30.10) with Venusian Love ions will change the old hard drives our thinking and feeling systems. Whether we are also able to change our behavior and our values to us by the greedy materialists to turn into a bedingslos lovers to be seen. We are still in a phase of intense transformation.

We can in the days aware that intensified Venus vibrations expose us sit in the sun, charge stones and crystals in the sun and the body forward or to concentrate in meditation on the original unity of the Three (Sun-Venus-Earth) .

At a lower Venus Conjunct Sun stand-Venus-Earth stand in a row - see the following link phases of Venus

The Pentagram of Venus in the sky

Image: Wikipedia

Observed to the passage of Venus through the zodiac fall on their "loops" of Rückläufkeitsphasen that within 8 years pentagon - form a pentagram. viewed from Earth, Venus every 19 months is down (it seems so because of the different orbital speeds).

Within a period of 8 years completed the Venus 5 rounds each of 584 days.
In accordance with the formula 8 earth years Venus 5 complete passes (including the Rückläufigkeitsphase) - from the earth to observe:

8 x 365 days = 2920 days 5 x 584 days =
2920 days

The ratio of 5:3 (= 1.666) corresponds to the golden ratio (1.618). In the Zodiac corresponds to the division of the 360 circuit by the number 5 to the creative aspect of the quintile of 72 °, which was Dane Rudhyar also the reason the zodiac with the Sabian symbols in an inner content structure of 5 x 3 x 24 sequences to structure and understand.

Another special feature at the Venus conjunctions : About once per century will take place within 8 years, a double transit of Venus, assuming that the Venus passes directly in front of the sun. This double transit was / is happening in this century in the years 2004 and 2012 . We are thus in the time between transits, which is accompanied by strong transformations.

I now have the 5 charts available to the five lower-sun-Venus conjunctions - starting from the special Venus Transit on 8.6.2004. Here is the current Pentragramm cycle:

first Venus transit 06/08/2004
second simple conj 13/01/2006
third simple conj 08/18/2007
4th Just conj 27/03/2009
5th simple conj 10/29/2010

first Venus Transit begins on 06/06/2012

The next transit of Venus in 2012 so still a new five-cycle of Venus. So much for technology.

The Sabian Symbol for this degree of SUN-VENUS-conjunction
6 degrees Scorpio:
The gold rush draws people away from their home.

Key: The passionate search for new values that promise a richer life in every way.

Look at Mother Nature on the run in the 21st century ... (Neil Young: After The Goldrush ).
Governance gold and money the world or is it love? Avarice, greed, lust is a distorted form of pure love energy, is behind the fear. It is at this time under these conditions are possible and liveable for us, his unconditional love? We have in this time, the opportunity for us for new values look around us and to act upon them to follow them.

Maybe it's not exactly the "gold rush" who sweeps us from the known and familiar, but there are more dreams, ideals, visions, which we follow passionately and for which we are willing to leave everything behind us. In any case, the desire drives us to even more intense experience and a global entity with a person or group of people. We are here in the fixed water sign Scorpio, where it is about building communities of intense feeling and intense sensation matches - to the obsession and fanaticism.

All of us - the inhabitants of a planet are affected. What values we follow? And where? Flying Mother Nature's silver seed to a new home in the sun?

I stick to my vision of the unity of the three: Sun - Venus - Earth. And of the unity of the other three: past - present - future. What we want to be, we are now. What we can be, we are now. What we always were, we are now.

In a quiet hour I am the 5 Sabian symbols of Venus Pentagram in 2004 - dedicated in 2012 in a separate article.

More info about the increased radiation on the side of Venus Werner Neuner
and the website

Brilon, 27 October 2010

on behalf of Venus Urania

Friday, October 22, 2010

Women Auditioningfor S And M Vedios

23:10:10 sun in Libra - Moon in Aries

FULL MOON on 10/23/2010 3:37 h EDT
Lg 8 ° 34 'O Br 51 ° 24' N
SUNNY 30 ° Libra - 30 ° Aries MOON

It is the second full moon in this year's ARIES-LIBRA-axis (see 23.9.10 full moon to the equinox) as the first on 1 Degree of the two characters and this full moon 28 days later occurred in the last degree.

The Sun is conjunct Mercury in SCORPIO , so now all the issues under the mercurial bright light of knowledge and clarity are provided: transport, communication and liaison, internal and external communication, transmission of knowledge, learning, writing and networking. The mind and the intellectual understanding (Mercury) is a bridge builder and mediator between the sun and moon, personality and soul. The lightness and neutrality of thinking is changing in the fixed water sign to a profound research, drilling and dissection, to question and expose secret machinations (eg, knowledge as power factor), in his own thinking as well as outside. With dogged persistence and ambitious efforts to balance tensions, conflicts and contradictions resolved and harmonious Relational structures are built. The SATURN position sheds light on these matters.

Saturn in Libra was anticipated here mentioned, as he in a special position as the only planet on the first-half of the chart image is. He is the donor structure, designed and maintains the structures - including our little pond. And he points the finger at our current weak point: There are problems to be expected in the transmission of knowledge in the designated educational institutions (ie schools, universities). The relationship between teachers and students is unbalanced and destructive. There are superior and inferior.
A professor or lecturer should be able to communicate to the younger generation the accumulated knowledge of the past. But in order to meet the needs of troubled youth or become turbulent, the teacher needs to be simultaneously in a position to look across to his knowledge, and seeing his students as people. Young people need guidance and they need human models. You do not need teaching specialists who funnel them pure book knowledge. True superior transmitter of knowledge and experience (the teachers) are able to work with less developed beings together to face these kind enough to guide and protect - even before stress and pressure.
In this social-cultural Range is currently the largest learning task.

This full moon, we welcome the new opportunity, the energies and qualities of the cardinal fire and air signs in a harmonious relationship with each other and take as our task management use. Here again the issue of Aries Libra axis . It
complement the artist and the thinker, I and you, male and female, spontaneous action, and deliberative thinking, the joy of action and the necessary wisdom. In the Book of Changes, we find the corresponding numeral 55 Fong, abundance: internal clarity and external energetic movement. A strong will prevails and goes through targeted attention to the action. Self-control is needed to tame the jerk reaction. work with small tactical steps, which can also follow the other, for the common walking is important. Demonstrate the power and strength may be omitted, because it always leaves victims, suffering and a vicious cycle of binding emotional ties. The strength of the compelling truth in its gentleness, is also the weakest accepted without fear and appreciated. Only then can the greatest goals and visions and realities are realized successfully reformed.
With such a balanced force potential (Aries-Libra and the ruler Venus-Mars) the cosmic energies to flow freely to the concrete world of matter (earth sign, Saturn), gain recognition and appreciation, which is the basis for a redesign and refinement given the world.
Once we See Sabian symbol of Aries moon, we find confirmation of this statement.

MOON at 30 degrees Aries:
A small duck pond with ducks.
key: knowledge of the natural boundaries.

The living room for "little duck pond (or is it a fish bowl?) Symbolizes our" small, "manageable, limited action and sphere of activity, for which we are responsible, which corresponds to our destiny and dharma. Even if we dip already for a limited time in the harmony of the spheres or could have transcendent experiences and insights into a higher order, we must return again to earth, to our earthly task in a particular social context and environment (like "two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl ... ").

appear terms of our galactic ocean radius as small as a duck pond. And it must be right here - in the room where the fate (fate) has placed us - the substance found to concrete action. In our limited Life freedom we learn cause and reap sow effect, and our vision of a higher harmony to our own karmic effect field have to get down and realize.
We have the option of the microcosm according to our needs and act in accordance with our talents. Think and we act authentically, especially in light of our natural limits, we also achieved the harmony of the great cosmic order (the macrocosm), gives us peace, inner satisfaction and fullness and great faith in our destiny.

On the opposite side of the zodiac, the Sun is on the last degree of the air sign Libra.

SUNNY 30 ° Libra: Three
knowledge hills on the head of a philosopher
Key: The fulfillment of the human power of understanding, active matter on what level of existence, the person is.

Something for skull researchers (phrenologists)? I am thinking of the same Trismegistus (the "big three"), the Greek god Hermes, in its merger with the ancient Egyptian Thoth. He should also have been the greatest of the philosophers, the greatest priest and greatest king (Wikipedia) *. Also in thought we find a threefold function: Abstract Thinking, material, concrete thinking and intuition. The number three is evidence of tension, dynamics, rhythm, and brings creativity to express. The trinity suggests completeness and perfection, bringing new solutions and streams. Above all, it is the element of our will, the idea, and the fruit (the child) the union of the two (man & woman, sun and moon).
This unit also has three of the full moon constellation point: Sun - Moon - Mercury as a father - mother - child. The deity appears frequently in triple form, as the Trinity. Where are the THREE shows up happening, something that the energy is in flux, becoming the life direction, as in the triangle something to the point.

a philosopher ("lover of truth") is a thinker who loves the truth, the beautiful and good and desires (as in Plato's Symposium / Banquet). His head is no space for lexical knowledge, but as the "three hills knowledge" that point to a mature, consummate understanding. Experienced life processes can be viewed from two sides and lights up in the creative process, the fruit of the mature understanding shows - as wisdom, coupled with love and kindness. A philosopher is a man of wisdom, his attitude to knowledge is holistic - as opposed to man of science, hopes to increase his knowledge and expand. Philosophical understanding is tied to no academic qualifications and successful teaching papers. Wisdom and goodness are the fruits mature knowledge of all relationships in the universe.
This realization of the meaning of the full moon on the Constellation last degree of Aries and Libra. Due to the transcendence of contradiction and contrast, and with the knowledge of the spiritual connectedness of all human beings are ready for the real communion, to unite with the non-ego or a larger self.

MERKUR transmits to 4 ° Scorpio
A youth with a burning candle (to a religious ritual).
Key: The educative power of ceremonies, the big picture of a culture to the assembled participants transferred.

We are in the fixed water sign Scorpio, where ego boundaries are in favor of collective connections and groups exceeded partially or completely. With a passionate commitment is the man his strength in the service of the community is experiencing a deep emotional attachment and embeddedness, which is strengthened by shared rituals again and again and maintained - until a time when man submits a claim to individuality and all the traditional rituals that have him tied to the existing community has of itself ... as an act of liberation and emancipation ... turn perhaps only for the purpose of the other groups and their rituals.

The ritual is shown here as a method for building a sense of community. Each of us knows the emotional power of symbols and collective ceremonies, their educational and formative influence does on the lives of individuals, regardless of whether it is the Sunday ceremony of a religious or football games, a parade and ceremony for war heroes or the large cyclical annual festivals. The Community action strengthens both the individual and the whole group. In jointly designed and rituals to feel all the participants experienced one. Children and adolescents often show large Interest in the demonstrations of collective values. They will be thinking, feeling and marked by symbols, complete with enthusiasm their place are even filled with great acting, sublime images, as image and light carrier in service of a greater whole.

Our lives are marked by transitions, and their rituals: birth, baptism, school entry / exit, growing up, addressing and solving obligations / duties, wedding, anniversary, initiations and ordinations of all kinds, professional exchange, identity and role changes, retirement, separation , bye. Most of these rituals are celebrated in the community with others and designed they help individuals on release of the old period of life, the re-orientation to give strength for the new cycle, the next step. Meaning and power of rituals / symbols used / ritual objects lie in building a deep sense of faith or community that unites all sharers at the root of their being.

It is time, in schools and universities to introduce new structures and rituals, which demonstrate the good will of harmonious relations between teachers and learners. It is also time that the new educational structures for space kind, wise and experienced, people who are entrusted to them growing up People in addition to knowledge and human values can give - by their mere presence and authenticity.

Brilon, 22 October 2010
Sundra Kanigowski

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cervix Pain 2 Days Before Period

spiders nest and even refuge. Book 6

nest and even resorted
. -.
buildings with cornices and columns
and niches, corners and edges,
our refreshing birds
previously for nest building and its
shelter everywhere abundant
found But all of this so
quaint walls, it has disappeared
, lost
the Nest building and even resorted
our feathered friends.
Instead, bare, metal,
sterile high-rise glass facades,
invite anyone really. The
, nature, environment, human and animal
influence in this region
sterile and hurt even more. ©

Otherwise to:
"Photo: Eigenpro, rhyme anyway, Design: sketches"
With nice regards, kuddel_hh. >>>)))))" °>

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Old Farts Youn Tarts Job

7:10:10. Libra New Moon - dynamic - rotundrisch

new moon in Libra 7:10:10 20:45 BST for Brilon (NRW)
And again we are preparing the ground before the invisible seeds of a new idea and the training of new forces within us. Through this new moon in cardinal air sign Libra, the seven-year cardinals will climax - Constellation (2008-2015) re-enabled. The opposition between the ram-scale planetary has temporarily eased, as Jupiter and Uranus still Once submerged in the waters of the fish are needed by early 2011 the last remnants of karma (the pull of the old one) and then resolve to initiate a new spring in the new energy of the Aries Point. It is worthwhile to wait for the new plans and projects, just over three months to pray at this time for the good of the whole and its own way once again from all angles.

The two squares (red lines) between the run slow planet in three cardinal signs remain, however - and these are also the only two "lines" or connections between the planets. This results in a very dynamic and restless energy structure that keeps us in motion - even if the destination is still unknown. The red top has Pluto and North Node in the Earth sign of Capricorn: the familiar theme of the profound transformation of all hardened and obsolete structures, laws, forms. The ballast, which we rumschleppen with us and us pretending to be security, reduce and dissolve into nothingness. We are given the opportunity to become light and empty, to add a new strength and vision we can for a new cycle.

The Sabian symbol of the new moon at 15 ° Libra is:

circular paths.
key: Facing the inevitability of setting up fixed rhythms of social activity.

for three days and nights moved and inspired me the symbol of the circle and walking in circles. As a symbol of wholeness, the circle is the figure which is based on the most perfect on a center. What's in a circle belongs together. All persons of a circle, a group of people set up their interest and thus their mental energy on the same subject, focusing on a common center, a central theme to the "turn up" is all (I think of the Sufis).

The question is: What are
circle and I move?
It is a question of attitude, location, view, and understanding.

I can feel caught in a circle or revoked, recovered.
I can in a circle in relationships engage in confined conditions to live in peace or draw my circles in the certainty of the connection with everything.
I can in the hour circle of the Clock draw my circles and count every minute. I can circle around the pole and orient my life and thoughts after him, making the singing group with my voice your review, find myself under the spell of a man or a fixed idea, feel my life as a vicious circle, disoriented and pointless wandering.

the cycle represents a recurring sequence of events, materials, energy and experience. Geographically we encounter in our repeated by measuring (round) world of the same forms of inner and outer landscapes repeatedly - even when we react differently with each encounter them. Even in time we see the cyclical sequence of beginning, climax and end, and then again to follow the growth momentum of a new cycle. And the planets are just so that we all are in just such a process of creating a "New World". And who is in possession of the vision and fundamental formula that helps to project and realize this. Our experience is cyclical. It is up to us to give the sequence of events and experienced a sense, a useful to identify order and structure in it.

SYMBOLS that reach even on the factual and rational of characters, messages appear for us and when we need them. They may bring us messages about a certain fact of sociological, psychological or physiological kind So this symbol of the circular paths are seen as an answer to a problem that we may have not yet covered in depth. I notice immediately the cyclical symbol series of the Tarot, the I Ching, the Sabian symbols and the zodiac in with their archetypal meanings. If we have in life, a diversity of ideas and experiences, so we like that fact only one day, do not fill completely. From spiritual point of view is about the "sense-harvest" ( Dane Rudhyar ), the extract from all these experiences. We must devote ourselves to the task and meaningful choice but to suck honey bees from the nectar of our experience to collect it in our internal honeycomb structure and process vital to honey, the rich spiritual fruit. That's what I wrote in my last article about the Astro-Venus.

What should I do in the cycle of life and to find my way to go?
may determine at any given first, whether he committed in his district or feel free and ask yourself: Did I deliberately chose this district or I was by birth, heritage, fate placed within him?
I find myself in a circle with given collective and social patterns that contradict my inner being and the path (dharma), I will feel the powerful urge to follow the path of individuation and break out on occasion from the circle of limitation, a deeper source of life and consciousness to tap. I can, because this way the outbreak of the natural "magic circle" is created in me and every other man - and he reveals himself at the right time.
I experience in the circular Experience the end of everyday life with its rhythms but solid inner stability, peace and a creative sense of life, I like to see instead of boredom and stress a relationship of peace because of my personal embeddedness and my identification with a larger planetary or cosmic cycle. That is, with a eonian or cyclical awareness I am able, left completely detached and go in peace "circular paths. Without pressure and stress I do, what lies before me is straight and - in a free decision after mature deliberation and wise insight.

So who is involved in a circle of duties, tasks, Activities or in a spell of old behavior and activity patterns, or even in a vicious circle of function and constraints, obsessive-compulsive disorder and obsessive ideas (Mercury / Saturn / Pluto), check yourself and then decide or let the fate that his skill-te, . decide

The mature souls or conscious in Libra people have the opportunity to RE-ORIENT align and to weigh their affiliations ("circles") and values carefully. By conscious choice, internal conflicts are balanced. Man is ready and willing to opt for the path of the soul, according to spiritual values address and resolve of the material desires of the personality. The turn is accomplished here by Uranus, the esoteric ruler of Libra, which was called by the Egyptians " mother of revolutions" or mother of the cycles. Revolution is an astronomical technical term for the circulation of the planets around the sun. Example: The revolution of the earth (rotation around the sun) occurs in a cycle of one year, at Pluto, it is 247 years, Saturn 29 years. A cycle is completed. A circular loading path-ung has completed itself.
(And on the planet the little prince, the sun does in 24 hours equal to 43 times under and on!) Although astronomically the "Aries Point" (Vernal equinox) is already in the fish, it remains in the interpretation of the astrological symbol for the breaking of new life possibilities.

received in one of my many circuit I dream in the play "Dream Wisdom", an indication that the psyche is " rotundrische " creates situations, that is circular states à la Uroboros, where at the beginning and end coincide ... where the last letter of the word-worlds is also the initials of the new word ... where the tonsure on the head exactly the same diameter as the solar corona ...
circle, wheel and head are symbols Vairocanas , of the Dhyani-Buddha in the central position (center) of the all-embracing wisdom. He holds the wheel of the law, do with his hands the Gesetzesrad gesture, and his element is Akasha (space), his color white, his throne and mount are dragon or lion. He is the "direct sun beam end," the conqueror of ignorance (avidya ).

If we are towering hairstyles, hair, headdress (major broadcast), sprouting horns, dream branches, etc., or appear to us the symbols of wheel, circle, head shot, middle, and the color white, the messages from our nature center, where the all-embracing wisdom resides. These dreams are very important to give an indication of our spiritual situation / condition and the flow of energy flow. Think of the headdress of the Egyptian goddesses (Isis, Hathor ...), called ideograms, which is an expression of the qualities that embody the goddess. In space corresponds to the ball to the circle, is a life more dimension added to the circle area (depth, dimensionality, internal expansion, the sphere). Circles and spheres that rotate around its center, are symbols of psychological dynamics.
So let's go the circuit!

Brilon, 6 October 2010 12:50
Sundra rotundrisch

with offers, testimonials, contact information
The entire text is on my blog-stars EX - PAN - VISION

Friday, October 1, 2010

Jansport Backpacks Eugene Oregon

second conjunct Venus-Mars in Scorpio

On Sunday, 3.10. (One minute before midnight), to meet Venus and Mars to a second date - this time in Scorpio. In the first conjunction on 20 August 2010 they met in harmony-addicted Libra. The second meeting is thus under the sign of a profound transformation, a confrontation with old injuries, power and powerlessness, dependency, blame and projections.

's This planet pair it to the centrifugal and centripetal forces of experience and experience. While MARS feel as the original libido energy the momentum of free expression, by itself and is its energy radiates outward, that energy comes from experience, as the VENUS back. Venus gives us the results of our interaction with the world - as consciousness, as knowledge, wisdom and love. This makes Venus the relationship forth between outside and inside, you and me, personality and soul. Dane Rudhyar compares the function of the Venus energy with the bees that bring back the honey in the hive, they have collected from the flowers, the end product of the plants.

The MARS Love is desire, one's own interests and drives, use other self-reproduction. The VENUS LOVE is wise and is based on real exchange of souls.

It happened another phenomenon at 3.10. The Venus appears in the declining phase - Viewed from Earth, is located near the Earth, which is psychologically important. All the planets symbolize the reversal of the declining mental energy or life force (libido) from the conscious to the unconscious. Thus, the fruits of experience are not taken to the conscious ego to where it is collected, filtered, and released by various types of emotions to be. Contents of the unconscious disrupt this process, stop him prevent the natural flow of consciousness and Love. Instead of acting with love, wisdom, we tend at this time to re-action - the unconscious impulses that let our emotional life seem unsatisfied.

The Scorpio brings energy stored up memories of previous injuries, experiences of abandonment, fraud, abuse, rejection, blame, guilt, shame, etc. Previous strong attraction can suddenly turn into deep distrust. The reason for the internal discontent is projected on the outside, to other people, places, situations and conditions. The true cause of suffering, however, is the lack of self-love, self-acceptance and self-worth. Deep introspection and courageous in this decline is VENUS-phase the 18 to November persists (Venus is back in Libra) and a careful review of recurring thoughts and old beliefs. On the screen appear the projected highlight issues Sex & Drugs & Rock 'n Roll ... So sexuality, addictions, money - especially the money of others - the dance of inheritance and the game with death. They want to be viewed reviewed and brought back to be integrated into your own center.

recognize and utilize the strongest feature of the Venus energy in us, to connect us with all that is. We see that at the deepest level everything is connected with the fact that there are principles that the mutual behavior of matter particles to determine larger bodies. May we also learn this in practically all our references and relationships!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Beautiful Agony ´clips

Ex-Pan-Vision: 23:09:10 full moon to full moon equinox equinox

Ex-Pan-Vision: 23:09:10 full moon and equinox : "The SUN / MOON - opposition (Full Moon) is located exactly on the T-square of the cardinal climax - Constellation (see tags) to 1 °. .. "

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23:09:10 8:09:10

The SUN / MOON - opposition (Full Moon) is located exactly on the T-square of the cardinal climax - Constellation (see tags) to 1 ° ARIES / LIBRA in a square to Pluto and the Nördl. Node. So there are 6 planets plus Node involved in a very exciting performance triangle or T-Square: Moon-Jupiter-Uranus-Sun-Saturn-Pluto. A full moon exactly on the cardinal points of the equinox is really something special, beautiful, strong, decisive. The full moon brings
position right on the first degree of Aries / Libra, it means that we have 28 days later a second full moon in this sign: 23 October to the last degree in Aries and Libra.

The interplay between Aries and Libra, we learn with each new beginning, with each new encounter, each new project, waking up and getting up at the beginning of a journey. The Aries moon urges to action, and to conquer the unknown - the Libra-sun delayed action, thinks first time in over the effect of weighing up. Aries moon and Libra sun are a wise couple who mutually complement and balance and harmony leads to:

acts of man (artist) and thinkers
spontaneous thinking and deliberative thinking - both lead to action
self-centeredness and Dubezogenheit
activity and passivity
resolve and indecision
violent peaceful change and changes
offensive and defensive
challenge for and strive for unification
masculinity and femininity (androgynous)

"If you have pure wisdom, and you do not have pure actions and get lost in impetuous action, without regard to the cause and effect of karma, you will not be you or other self-beneficial, and even fail your pure wisdom. Should you have pure actions, but no insight of the essential emptiness of all things have, it will be impossible to you to help yourself and others, and your deeds are pure turn into the opposite. If you are not united pure wisdom and pure deeds, you will inevitably get on bad paths. It is therefore necessary that you both learn. "
(DROM, Tibetan Guru 1000 AD).

both energies have in common the desire for harmony, enlargement of the horizon, sociability, love of freedom, Organizational skills, the disenchantment of the world and a desire for perfection Karma. Without internal or external conflicts that lead to decisions, it goes from barely. The wisdom of thinking of the scale should be followed by attainment by deeds (Aries). This PLUTO is in Capricorn (at the tip of the power triangle) reasonable opportunity.

the Moon is at 1 ° in Aries, the point of the vernal equinox. The Sabian symbol reads:
A woman has risen from the sea. A seal embraces her. Here
rise of new forms from the ocean of the collective unconscious (fish-energy) up, and thus internal opportunities to realize these forms be. But the Rückwärtssog of the old, failed way of the past is just as strong as the impulse for life and the people can always move back into the unconscious or in the darkness (the seal). The ability to fail and to succeed is equally strong.
Jupter and Uranus are at the last two levels in the water sign Pisces, the Old impregnate with the pattern of the new revelation and vision. The issue of energy and especially the demand of oil for a healthy solution before these two planets pass for the last time the ram point.

The Sun is at 1 ° Libra, the point of the autumn equinox:
In a collection of perfect Examples of many different life forms is a butterfly, the beauty of his wings,.. His body is skewered by a thin arrow

with the scale begins the Yin principle to increase again, the darkness, the collective force says, the symbol us if will be the human race a global whole, she has to learn to act in accordance with the human archetype Dane Rudhyar writes: "The action of the group is required to realize the full potential of human nature - one might say.: the 'idea', was the God of man. Conversely, if humanity is to succeed, it needs to structure and their behavior after the . Divine idea Align ".
The arrow is replaced by the butterfly in its perfect condition and makes him an archetype that is the symbolic Transfiguration: The Transfiguration of Jesus was the Son of Man," pierced "by the beam of divine light and became the Son of God - at the very moment when he learned that he stood before the crucifixion

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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new moon in Virgo

08/09/2010 12:31 EDT

Lg 8 ° 34 'O -. Br 51 ° 24 'N

moon and black moon - the wedding of sun and moon, the dark Mondin is now once again the vessel (as in the soul. Form), poured into the intellectual content of the sun - quietly hidden. It is a time of internal reorientation, a time to discover new forces in to try and educate them. New moon energy is youthful, urgent, more instinctively and unconsciously. The idea of the new seed is still a mystery, but the ground is being prepared. The time is favorable to embark on new challenges and relationships, to initiate projects and to set new impulses.

In the cyclic sequence of development we are now with this New Moon in earth moving characters VIRGIN, the female characters of intelligent matter (mater). As a virgin counterparts in the human personality can be found depending on the level of consciousness:
- anxious (pre-) concern for one's own existence, distinct utilitarianism for the personal satisfaction
- the ability of self-analysis and adaptation to the conditions given by its own intelligence, internal work on yourself
- the conscious perception of the soul (self awareness), exploring the inner reality and an advanced all-encompassing wisdom, based on love.

The Sabian symbol for the zodiacal degrees of the new moon describes the potential as a new image, action, or process against the background of the end of first Half-cycle in the zodiac and the VIRGIN issues such as maturity, harvest time, conscious processing of the harvested, analysis, establish order, put everything in its place.

SUN and MOON at 16 degrees MAIDEN

In a zoo, children are eye to eye an orang-utan.

key: A direct confrontation with the wild force of primordial nature in a self

We are again confronted with the monkey in us (last Saturn on 07/06/2009 at Sagittarius Full Moon). They fascinate and irritate us, these horny apes, they have no shame, and the people are yet so similar. Most of us know that eye to eye with a stand Apes from the zoo - or even from dreams. What might give us a picture of a confrontation between children and monkeys in the sign of maturity and harvest, the awareness and perception (Virgin)?

all repressed and oppressed, every unconscious and hidden motive may, in the light of intelligent matter emerge from the depths and be led out into the light of consciousness. Dane Rudhyar speaks of a "karmic confrontation future-oriented, fashionable children with the results of something that could be described as 'original sin', with a degenerate form of tremendous vital force that was once on the human beings." Today, this force in the head and directed called intellect or thinking.

The question is: How do we with the monkey, the order in hell '(the monkey God'), the early humans to us? When I read CG Jung (dream symbols of the unconscious) that the monkey is associated with darkness and thus with the 'devil', the 'Lord of Darkness' and the world of dark powers and threats. How we treat him be, the mighty monkey from our dark past? If the church baptize him or canonize? Will he not take a place at our table and be loved? Incarceration does not help, because he seems more in dreams, wild guys and wild women. He lives always among us.
We now have to find a solution for dealing with this shadow power - everyone for themselves, the adults and parents role model for children and subsequent generations.

integration work - retrieving projections
this New Moon constellation stands alone, with no aspects to other planets - in Europe at the zenith (at noon) - in the field of public authority and power, social / cultural / ethical norms and standards that we have created us, the creator and we are victims. Whether we like it or not, we have to face the fact and the results of the 'demonization' of our projections and displacements and to learn to transcend it or to turn - with the power-encompassing wisdom and love. (Please note with respect)

The Aspektlosigkeit impeding the integration of the shadow. There is a strong tendency to the dark, savage, powerful, untamed, uncivilized, chaotic, Dionysian to the outside is projected onto a "scapegoat" on a dark ruler or rulers of the darkness. PLUTO and the Northern Monknoten that are open all year at the head of the cardinal T-square in Capricorn have to continue on the need for massive and profound Transformations in all social, economic and social structures out.

Black Mondi greetings
Sundra Kanigowski

is the full article with pictures on my new blog KNOW YOURSELF
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Baby Quotes With Butterflys

24.08.10 Full Moon in Pisces - Sun in Virgo

... and Pluto at the apex of the pyramid.

Along with this full moon energy come irritation, tension, and work hand in hand and a great activity for excellence. Some search, others find their ideal of perfection or spiritual goal, work hard at achieving. The bearing, shape, creative and relaxing the few blue aspects here tends rather to ambivalence, to painful oscillation between opposites, may show through due to hard work purity and clarity . The energies of the internal strain can be used for transformation and spiritual realization of the necessary changes can be used.

an enormous energy potential is available - a strong will, a stable conscious, alert mental powers who strive for continuity, completion and perfection of thoughts, knowledge and ambitious performance. All the planets - except Venus / Mars - together form the shape of a pyramid.

With inner strength and a vast amount of stored knowledge, Information and the corresponding awareness, responsible to deal with it is, but also the risk of mental torpor and the fanatical adherence to old beliefs and beliefs (dogma), the exploitation and exploited by, of tangling in dualistic struggle and war of words.

is the tension between the opposition and VIRGIN FISH. It is more existential, reality awareness, order and chaos, rational thought and self-dissolution of created mental barriers, adapting to conditions and use of or exemption from accommodation constraints and utilitarianism, refined perception, sensitivity, awareness and experience of oneness with all Living.

This energy diagram of a pyramid, which arises from the four (basic, matter, manifestation, female) and the THREE (consciousness, spirit, male) composed, each of us with the task of the existing internal stress and tension as the driving force for to annoy rather than the environment with endless teachings, beliefs, and beliefs - their own development path and to use for their own knowledge. Work on own stone is present, the grinding of the diamond (the "Diamatkörpers"?).

Now consider the Sabian Symbols of the sun and moon.

Sun 2 ° Virgo: A large white
Cross dominates the landscape
key: wisdom and compassion that can only bring the experience of suffering and isolation with it.

This picture reminds me of the hexagram 53 THE DEVELOPMENT (Gradual Progress: ".. The tree on the mountain, the view of the development Thus the superior man dwells in a worthy virtue in order to improve the morals" (I Ching)

The superior man is the self-realized person who through careful continuous work on his own moral development of inner maturity, patience and strength exercises developed by the culture of their own personality a lasting impact on the environment.
Such trees and noble People are now used to take up their cross, know their place to stay with him and perform a specific task and function in the whole. Your progress is gradual and stable, occurs silently - without agitation influence - and so is their influence of lasting value, affects generations.

Moon 2 ° Pisces
A squirrel hiding from hunters
key: The needs of individuals to secure a livelihood in the future and to protect themselves from aggressive elements in society.

There is the need for self-protection and caution - in a society in which the process of individualization is already well advanced and its negative aspects, such as rivalry, social aggression and greed on the agenda, or are in the news. No one can now more safely move among his fellow men. Dangers lurk everywhere. The man does himself and his neighbor constantly force.

like a squirrel hoarded his food for the winter together, now brings the spirit all along what he needs to protect or for its development path, collects all associated with increased concentration of ideas and information and results in the synthesis. In view of the PYRAMID this is the focus on the pyramid, the highest point of the spiritual will (Pluto). Through this activity, I raise my squirrel-Even on a secure foundation and provide just the connection between the UP + DOWN, between pyramid base (matter) and pyramid (spirit), between male and female cosmic energy. Spirit is matter, is less dense than the body. Matter is condensed spirit.

And the Sabian symbol for the position of PLUTO :
Pluto 3 ° Capricorn:
A human soul, eager to seek new experiences, the embodiment at.
key: a powerful desire for anything that increases the reach and depth in contact with other living things.

Here is another image of the pyramid energy that goes in the other direction. The soul, a spirit floating low-density, is seeking the embodiment, the pyramid rises in the transformation process, is increasingly compressed until the crystallisation onset = = = incarnation pyramid base. An energy light body manifests.

What is a living verifiable truth in the future for all generations, is still very controversial, because too little explored: WE ARE LIGHT WORK there and from various energy dense bodies.

PLUTO might further conjunct the North Node in Capricorn and sends the message of "diamond cutting", the arduous training to perfection, an ideal - the perfect stone / the skillfully cut diamond - to manifest absolutely can.

it in the aspect of image is a barely visible square between Venus and Mars and the lunar nodes. This is the work and effective tool with which we GRINDING ON STONE - just at the side of the Saturn-Pluto square ! So just to our most stubborn and fanatical beliefs, we believe firmly and where we have built a full of lies, we the "world" or "I" and the name has nothing to do with reality.
we doing THE WORK * and take the grinding tool into the grateful hands.

The full article can be found at ASTRO NEWS

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Funny Tighty Whities Story

Once a pear tree in the courtyard stood.

A large pear tree stood in the yard, as a little blond boy
I found so many
pear leaves under his roof.
Even the chickens clucking in the yard
ran back and forth, as if, after
called the long earthworms and I
little boy, between the chickens
quite unconcerned, and without shouting
worry, not thinking about tomorrow.
But today is the Birnbaum and
the chickens and even the beautiful house
gone through even troubled times,
left only rubble and large wounds,
now stands there again as a new house,
but I know me there no longer sufficient.
The new owner is known to me, somehow I am related
with him to every part even;
but he did not recognize me only time when I
stood before the house, with large eyes.
still see in my dreams nightly
the small, cozy and oh so totally pretty
founder-house, my beloved Grandmother,
their Birnbaum, the cackling chickens in the yard,
and in the corners, the lush grays and moss;
gives me those paradisiacal idyll, so from my
sheltered childhood, for more than half a
century still do not really does go. ©

With nice regards, kuddel_hh. >>>)))))" °>
Otherwise look here:
****** **************
The Forum for warmth
"body, mind and soul," then following
LINK choose that!

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grandma is still the best

(nursery rhyme)
(childhood memories ,....... once again!)
My grandma is the very best
for me the best in the world. Did I
of many
romp once a thick, broken knees, or grumble
's me at all in my stomach, my dear grandmother
is equal to the manipulated,
when I need it, very quickly.
And I did something stupid or unwise
hired the
love Grandma comes between me and mom and dad certainly
So I got my Babuska right
so sweet really great and am so glad
much that it is my dear grandmother. ©

^ ^ nice
With regards, kuddel_hh. >>>)))))" °>
~))))" ˚> otherwise:
"Photo Eigenpro, rhyme anyway, sketch drawn".