Monday, September 12, 2005

Keepsakes Quotes And Sayings

Joschka Fisher King, the World

Fischer's behavior at today's meeting of the leaders of each party in the ARD is hard to beat. Amazing how consistently you can completely misbehave. Whether standing in between speeches, the murmur or cry attacks, he did so again from nothing. But what else do we expect from the Greens. Since a federal party to another party with leafleting and insults is disturbed, the public television against other candidates denounced gepöbelt almost constantly and deliberately making a false statement and still are the beloved eco-Stalinists , Street fighter and insane Empörungsmaschinen at almost 7%. And as if all this were not bad enough experiences, one at Bayern 3 - while enjoying a nearly perfect vehicle at approximately subtropical rainfall on the A5 - that Fischer sees himself as the last true liberals. Just as the
gloomy state of mind of this madman, it looks for Sunday. Optimism at party conferences, press appearances and campaign events or not, there is probably no other result than a grand coalition on Sunday can be presented. It is all legal difficulty in Dresden (to be honest, this question can It really does not give a satisfactory solution, an election law change is of course essential, but will not obscure a very difficult legal path determination) to change anything.
What remains is comforting and humor. No, before the factory already re-bloggers itching in your fingers and the left again with Hiroshima-sounding chants arm, I'll leave it at a Quote that explicitly refers to unified Germany.

Only the stupidest calves choose their own butcher.


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