FULL MOON on 10/23/2010 3:37 h EDT
Lg 8 ° 34 'O Br 51 ° 24' N
SUNNY 30 ° Libra - 30 ° Aries MOON
It is the second full moon in this year's ARIES-LIBRA-axis (see 23.9.10 full moon to the equinox) as the first on 1 Degree of the two characters and this full moon 28 days later occurred in the last degree.
The Sun is conjunct Mercury in SCORPIO , so now all the issues under the mercurial bright light of knowledge and clarity are provided: transport, communication and liaison, internal and external communication, transmission of knowledge, learning, writing and networking. The mind and the intellectual understanding (Mercury) is a bridge builder and mediator between the sun and moon, personality and soul. The lightness and neutrality of thinking is changing in the fixed water sign to a profound research, drilling and dissection, to question and expose secret machinations (eg, knowledge as power factor), in his own thinking as well as outside. With dogged persistence and ambitious efforts to balance tensions, conflicts and contradictions resolved and harmonious Relational structures are built. The SATURN position sheds light on these matters.
Saturn in Libra was anticipated here mentioned, as he in a special position as the only planet on the first-half of the chart image is. He is the donor structure, designed and maintains the structures - including our little pond. And he points the finger at our current weak point: There are problems to be expected in the transmission of knowledge in the designated educational institutions (ie schools, universities). The relationship between teachers and students is unbalanced and destructive. There are superior and inferior.
A professor or lecturer should be able to communicate to the younger generation the accumulated knowledge of the past. But in order to meet the needs of troubled youth or become turbulent, the teacher needs to be simultaneously in a position to look across to his knowledge, and seeing his students as people. Young people need guidance and they need human models. You do not need teaching specialists who funnel them pure book knowledge. True superior transmitter of knowledge and experience (the teachers) are able to work with less developed beings together to face these kind enough to guide and protect - even before stress and pressure.
In this social-cultural Range is currently the largest learning task.
This full moon, we welcome the new opportunity, the energies and qualities of the cardinal fire and air signs in a harmonious relationship with each other and take as our task management use. Here again the issue of Aries Libra axis . It
complement the artist and the thinker, I and you, male and female, spontaneous action, and deliberative thinking, the joy of action and the necessary wisdom. In the Book of Changes, we find the corresponding numeral 55 Fong, abundance: internal clarity and external energetic movement. A strong will prevails and goes through targeted attention to the action. Self-control is needed to tame the jerk reaction. work with small tactical steps, which can also follow the other, for the common walking is important. Demonstrate the power and strength may be omitted, because it always leaves victims, suffering and a vicious cycle of binding emotional ties. The strength of the compelling truth in its gentleness, is also the weakest accepted without fear and appreciated. Only then can the greatest goals and visions and realities are realized successfully reformed.
With such a balanced force potential (Aries-Libra and the ruler Venus-Mars) the cosmic energies to flow freely to the concrete world of matter (earth sign, Saturn), gain recognition and appreciation, which is the basis for a redesign and refinement given the world.
Once we See Sabian symbol of Aries moon, we find confirmation of this statement.
MOON at 30 degrees Aries:
A small duck pond with ducks.
key: knowledge of the natural boundaries.

The living room for "little duck pond (or is it a fish bowl?) Symbolizes our" small, "manageable, limited action and sphere of activity, for which we are responsible, which corresponds to our destiny and dharma. Even if we dip already for a limited time in the harmony of the spheres or could have transcendent experiences and insights into a higher order, we must return again to earth, to our earthly task in a particular social context and environment (like "two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl ... ").
appear terms of our galactic ocean radius as small as a duck pond. And it must be right here - in the room where the fate (fate) has placed us - the substance found to concrete action. In our limited Life freedom we learn cause and reap sow effect, and our vision of a higher harmony to our own karmic effect field have to get down and realize.
We have the option of the microcosm according to our needs and act in accordance with our talents. Think and we act authentically, especially in light of our natural limits, we also achieved the harmony of the great cosmic order (the macrocosm), gives us peace, inner satisfaction and fullness and great faith in our destiny.
On the opposite side of the zodiac, the Sun is on the last degree of the air sign Libra.
SUNNY 30 ° Libra: Three
knowledge hills on the head of a philosopher
Key: The fulfillment of the human power of understanding, active matter on what level of existence, the person is.

Something for skull researchers (phrenologists)? I am thinking of the same Trismegistus (the "big three"), the Greek god Hermes, in its merger with the ancient Egyptian Thoth. He should also have been the greatest of the philosophers, the greatest priest and greatest king (Wikipedia) *. Also in thought we find a threefold function: Abstract Thinking, material, concrete thinking and intuition. The number three is evidence of tension, dynamics, rhythm, and brings creativity to express. The trinity suggests completeness and perfection, bringing new solutions and streams. Above all, it is the element of our will, the idea, and the fruit (the child) the union of the two (man & woman, sun and moon).
This unit also has three of the full moon constellation point: Sun - Moon - Mercury as a father - mother - child. The deity appears frequently in triple form, as the Trinity. Where are the THREE shows up happening, something that the energy is in flux, becoming the life direction, as in the triangle something to the point.
a philosopher ("lover of truth") is a thinker who loves the truth, the beautiful and good and desires (as in Plato's Symposium / Banquet). His head is no space for lexical knowledge, but as the "three hills knowledge" that point to a mature, consummate understanding. Experienced life processes can be viewed from two sides and lights up in the creative process, the fruit of the mature understanding shows - as wisdom, coupled with love and kindness. A philosopher is a man of wisdom, his attitude to knowledge is holistic - as opposed to man of science, hopes to increase his knowledge and expand. Philosophical understanding is tied to no academic qualifications and successful teaching papers. Wisdom and goodness are the fruits mature knowledge of all relationships in the universe.
This realization of the meaning of the full moon on the Constellation last degree of Aries and Libra. Due to the transcendence of contradiction and contrast, and with the knowledge of the spiritual connectedness of all human beings are ready for the real communion, to unite with the non-ego or a larger self.

A youth with a burning candle (to a religious ritual).
Key: The educative power of ceremonies, the big picture of a culture to the assembled participants transferred.
We are in the fixed water sign Scorpio, where ego boundaries are in favor of collective connections and groups exceeded partially or completely. With a passionate commitment is the man his strength in the service of the community is experiencing a deep emotional attachment and embeddedness, which is strengthened by shared rituals again and again and maintained - until a time when man submits a claim to individuality and all the traditional rituals that have him tied to the existing community has of itself ... as an act of liberation and emancipation ... turn perhaps only for the purpose of the other groups and their rituals.
The ritual is shown here as a method for building a sense of community. Each of us knows the emotional power of symbols and collective ceremonies, their educational and formative influence does on the lives of individuals, regardless of whether it is the Sunday ceremony of a religious or football games, a parade and ceremony for war heroes or the large cyclical annual festivals. The Community action strengthens both the individual and the whole group. In jointly designed and rituals to feel all the participants experienced one. Children and adolescents often show large Interest in the demonstrations of collective values. They will be thinking, feeling and marked by symbols, complete with enthusiasm their place are even filled with great acting, sublime images, as image and light carrier in service of a greater whole.
Our lives are marked by transitions, and their rituals: birth, baptism, school entry / exit, growing up, addressing and solving obligations / duties, wedding, anniversary, initiations and ordinations of all kinds, professional exchange, identity and role changes, retirement, separation , bye. Most of these rituals are celebrated in the community with others and designed they help individuals on release of the old period of life, the re-orientation to give strength for the new cycle, the next step. Meaning and power of rituals / symbols used / ritual objects lie in building a deep sense of faith or community that unites all sharers at the root of their being.

It is time, in schools and universities to introduce new structures and rituals, which demonstrate the good will of harmonious relations between teachers and learners. It is also time that the new educational structures for space kind, wise and experienced, people who are entrusted to them growing up People in addition to knowledge and human values can give - by their mere presence and authenticity.

Brilon, 22 October 2010
Sundra Kanigowski
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