On Sunday, 3.10. (One minute before midnight), to meet Venus and Mars to a second date - this time in Scorpio. In the first conjunction on 20 August 2010 they met in harmony-addicted Libra. The second meeting is thus under the sign of a profound transformation, a confrontation with old injuries, power and powerlessness, dependency, blame and projections.
's This planet pair it to the centrifugal and centripetal forces of experience and experience. While MARS feel as the original libido energy the momentum of free expression, by itself and is its energy radiates outward, that energy comes from experience, as the VENUS back. Venus gives us the results of our interaction with the world - as consciousness, as knowledge, wisdom and love. This makes Venus the relationship forth between outside and inside, you and me, personality and soul. Dane Rudhyar compares the function of the Venus energy with the bees that bring back the honey in the hive, they have collected from the flowers, the end product of the plants.
The MARS Love is desire, one's own interests and drives, use other self-reproduction. The VENUS LOVE is wise and is based on real exchange of souls.
It happened another phenomenon at 3.10. The Venus appears in the declining phase - Viewed from Earth, is located near the Earth, which is psychologically important. All the planets symbolize the reversal of the declining mental energy or life force (libido) from the conscious to the unconscious. Thus, the fruits of experience are not taken to the conscious ego to where it is collected, filtered, and released by various types of emotions to be. Contents of the unconscious disrupt this process, stop him prevent the natural flow of consciousness and Love. Instead of acting with love, wisdom, we tend at this time to re-action - the unconscious impulses that let our emotional life seem unsatisfied.
The Scorpio brings energy stored up memories of previous injuries, experiences of abandonment, fraud, abuse, rejection, blame, guilt, shame, etc. Previous strong attraction can suddenly turn into deep distrust. The reason for the internal discontent is projected on the outside, to other people, places, situations and conditions. The true cause of suffering, however, is the lack of self-love, self-acceptance and self-worth. Deep introspection and courageous in this decline is VENUS-phase the 18 to November persists (Venus is back in Libra) and a careful review of recurring thoughts and old beliefs. On the screen appear the projected highlight issues Sex & Drugs & Rock 'n Roll ... So sexuality, addictions, money - especially the money of others - the dance of inheritance and the game with death. They want to be viewed reviewed and brought back to be integrated into your own center.
recognize and utilize the strongest feature of the Venus energy in us, to connect us with all that is. We see that at the deepest level everything is connected with the fact that there are principles that the mutual behavior of matter particles to determine larger bodies. May we also learn this in practically all our references and relationships!
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