Image: Werner Neuner: Venus plasma emission and crop circle
The vibrancy in the world is in full swing, recognizable, and others also due to an increased expulsion of the Venus plasma - an increase of 60,000% over the past 40 years, according to a source of New Scientist 31/05/1997 based on NASA data).
on Friday, 29.10.10, due to the inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun the Earth's atmosphere brings with it an extra dose of Venus plasma. This three-day bombardment (28 -. 30.10) with Venusian Love ions will change the old hard drives our thinking and feeling systems. Whether we are also able to change our behavior and our values to us by the greedy materialists to turn into a bedingslos lovers to be seen. We are still in a phase of intense transformation.
We can in the days aware that intensified Venus vibrations expose us sit in the sun, charge stones and crystals in the sun and the body forward or to concentrate in meditation on the original unity of the Three (Sun-Venus-Earth) .
At a lower Venus Conjunct Sun stand-Venus-Earth stand in a row - see the following link phases of Venus

The Pentagram of Venus in the sky

Image: Wikipedia
Observed to the passage of Venus through the zodiac fall on their "loops" of Rückläufkeitsphasen that within 8 years pentagon - form a pentagram. viewed from Earth, Venus every 19 months is down (it seems so because of the different orbital speeds).
Within a period of 8 years completed the Venus 5 rounds each of 584 days.
In accordance with the formula 8 earth years Venus 5 complete passes (including the Rückläufigkeitsphase) - from the earth to observe:
8 x 365 days = 2920 days 5 x 584 days =
2920 days
The ratio of 5:3 (= 1.666) corresponds to the golden ratio (1.618). In the Zodiac corresponds to the division of the 360 circuit by the number 5 to the creative aspect of the quintile of 72 °, which was Dane Rudhyar also the reason the zodiac with the Sabian symbols in an inner content structure of 5 x 3 x 24 sequences to structure and understand.
Another special feature at the Venus conjunctions : About once per century will take place within 8 years, a double transit of Venus, assuming that the Venus passes directly in front of the sun. This double transit was / is happening in this century in the years 2004 and 2012 . We are thus in the time between transits, which is accompanied by strong transformations.
I now have the 5 charts available to the five lower-sun-Venus conjunctions - starting from the special Venus Transit on 8.6.2004. Here is the current Pentragramm cycle:
first Venus transit 06/08/2004
second simple conj 13/01/2006
third simple conj 08/18/2007
4th Just conj 27/03/2009
5th simple conj 10/29/2010
first Venus Transit begins on 06/06/2012
The next transit of Venus in 2012 so still a new five-cycle of Venus. So much for technology.

6 degrees Scorpio:
The gold rush draws people away from their home.
Key: The passionate search for new values that promise a richer life in every way.
Look at Mother Nature on the run in the 21st century ... (Neil Young: After The Goldrush ).
Governance gold and money the world or is it love? Avarice, greed, lust is a distorted form of pure love energy, is behind the fear. It is at this time under these conditions are possible and liveable for us, his unconditional love? We have in this time, the opportunity for us for new values look around us and to act upon them to follow them.
Maybe it's not exactly the "gold rush" who sweeps us from the known and familiar, but there are more dreams, ideals, visions, which we follow passionately and for which we are willing to leave everything behind us. In any case, the desire drives us to even more intense experience and a global entity with a person or group of people. We are here in the fixed water sign Scorpio, where it is about building communities of intense feeling and intense sensation matches - to the obsession and fanaticism.
All of us - the inhabitants of a planet are affected. What values we follow? And where? Flying Mother Nature's silver seed to a new home in the sun?
I stick to my vision of the unity of the three: Sun - Venus - Earth. And of the unity of the other three: past - present - future. What we want to be, we are now. What we can be, we are now. What we always were, we are now.
In a quiet hour I am the 5 Sabian symbols of Venus Pentagram in 2004 - dedicated in 2012 in a separate article.
More info about the increased radiation on the side of Venus Werner Neuner
and the website Kristallmensch.net
Brilon, 27 October 2010
on behalf of Venus Urania
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