love Metaphysics, shooting stars, Moon Hopper and galactic surfer
light dancer, vistas, alchemists and Dancing Wu Li Masters,
love Sundra,
sternenschnupperin are the star-dust to their ;))))
na really is the star-dust a crossing of astro + human design ... and I better than twice the lioness smooth on this löwe.neumond in particular vibrations come;)
first, but thanks for your additions and comments on löwe.neumond.konstellation!
the new moon phase is coming and with it a new seed potential, which will still be deployed.
is the image of the Sabian Symbols of this new soul-potential in the ability, scientific and philosophical principles apply to virtually all the normal life and everyday life.
Who are the Alchemist appointed feels to turn his jet-black soul shares in gold / light or awaken his inner possibilities will like to discover new energy and drive in itself is activated from the inside and asked to feel, to train his skills further and experience anew through the practical application check.
So, in the human design is this new moon in a rollentor, that is a role of the self (in the interaction) has to do with management. shall consider the lion is with his self / addressed ego.zentrierung, but ....
oberflächichem Seen in this ego.ausgerichtetheit seems a matter of will, the self-worth and / or personal preferences to be, all of which little attention to the collective and / or cosmic shear aligned unit ;))))
think this says as rollentor, located in the center of the higher energy itself.
and higher is even now not even willing stressed affair, but has to do with higher management.
oh, how annoying when lionesses should wait because what ausschnapst this ;))))
There is also a time of practice where everyone has experiences that he and his nature, the substance / soul or substance has made prima materia, should be passed on to the younger generation. It is important that the experience is almost understandable and usable by all.
Ahja this rollentor of management (löwe.neumond), the qualification "role model" to know what would say that practical and applicable comprehensible by "my" is passed on to me adequate behavior.
role model also means that I am living my natural unverschörkelt, ego out her preferences, prima materia specify:))
blitzplotz, there is indeed once the Löwisch "ego" centredness asked ... for the great experiment, whole. (and) to be yourself :))))
So a time for Energeticke, Soul Physicians, Chakrenreiniger, scientists, mystics,
for homeopathic and other alternative treatments and Holistic healing experiments
- is in itself great work done alone and affects all (s).
coming back to the higher self:
> The Great Work is only done to all and has
`alone 'in the sense of individual / her own support to be made ..... yes, Löwisch
` alone' but also in the sense of "self" / since nothing needs to be extra herumgekurbelt .... the great factory potters:)
calls The Red Lion ...
"One Afternoon in late summer I was sitting by the sea, and saw anrollten the waves, and felt the rhythm of my breath when I suddenly realized an environment as part of a gigantic cosmic dance ... > I saw < die Atome der Elemente und die meines Körpers als Teil dieses kosmischen Energietanzes... und ich wusste, dass dies der Tanz Schiwas war, des Gottes der Tänzer, den die Hindus verehren." (Capra "Das Tao der Physik")
let's dance!
Star Greetings,
your Sundra>
wu wei to all metaphysics, shooting stars, moon hopper and galactic surfer
light dancing, views, alchemists, dancing wu li masters and Sundra,
http : / / www.sundra.eu/astro-aktuell-neu-1
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