... and Pluto at the apex of the pyramid.
Along with this full moon energy come irritation, tension, and work hand in hand and a great activity for excellence. Some search, others find their ideal of perfection or spiritual goal, work hard at achieving. The bearing, shape, creative and relaxing the few blue aspects here tends rather to ambivalence, to painful oscillation between opposites, may show through due to hard work purity and clarity . The energies of the internal strain can be used for transformation and spiritual realization of the necessary changes can be used.
an enormous energy potential is available - a strong will, a stable conscious, alert mental powers who strive for continuity, completion and perfection of thoughts, knowledge and ambitious performance. All the planets - except Venus / Mars - together form the shape of a pyramid.
With inner strength and a vast amount of stored knowledge, Information and the corresponding awareness, responsible to deal with it is, but also the risk of mental torpor and the fanatical adherence to old beliefs and beliefs (dogma), the exploitation and exploited by, of tangling in dualistic struggle and war of words.
is the tension between the opposition and VIRGIN FISH. It is more existential, reality awareness, order and chaos, rational thought and self-dissolution of created mental barriers, adapting to conditions and use of or exemption from accommodation constraints and utilitarianism, refined perception, sensitivity, awareness and experience of oneness with all Living.
This energy diagram of a pyramid, which arises from the four (basic, matter, manifestation, female) and the THREE (consciousness, spirit, male) composed, each of us with the task of the existing internal stress and tension as the driving force for to annoy rather than the environment with endless teachings, beliefs, and beliefs - their own development path and to use for their own knowledge. Work on own stone is present, the grinding of the diamond (the "Diamatkörpers"?).
Now consider the Sabian Symbols of the sun and moon.
Sun 2 ° Virgo: A large white
Cross dominates the landscape
key: wisdom and compassion that can only bring the experience of suffering and isolation with it.
This picture reminds me of the hexagram 53 THE DEVELOPMENT (Gradual Progress: ".. The tree on the mountain, the view of the development Thus the superior man dwells in a worthy virtue in order to improve the morals" (I Ching)
The superior man is the self-realized person who through careful continuous work on his own moral development of inner maturity, patience and strength exercises developed by the culture of their own personality a lasting impact on the environment.
Such trees and noble People are now used to take up their cross, know their place to stay with him and perform a specific task and function in the whole. Your progress is gradual and stable, occurs silently - without agitation influence - and so is their influence of lasting value, affects generations.
Moon 2 ° Pisces
A squirrel hiding from hunters
key: The needs of individuals to secure a livelihood in the future and to protect themselves from aggressive elements in society.
There is the need for self-protection and caution - in a society in which the process of individualization is already well advanced and its negative aspects, such as rivalry, social aggression and greed on the agenda, or are in the news. No one can now more safely move among his fellow men. Dangers lurk everywhere. The man does himself and his neighbor constantly force.
like a squirrel hoarded his food for the winter together, now brings the spirit all along what he needs to protect or for its development path, collects all associated with increased concentration of ideas and information and results in the synthesis. In view of the PYRAMID this is the focus on the pyramid, the highest point of the spiritual will (Pluto). Through this activity, I raise my squirrel-Even on a secure foundation and provide just the connection between the UP + DOWN, between pyramid base (matter) and pyramid (spirit), between male and female cosmic energy. Spirit is matter, is less dense than the body. Matter is condensed spirit.

And the Sabian symbol for the position of PLUTO :
Pluto 3 ° Capricorn:
A human soul, eager to seek new experiences, the embodiment at.
key: a powerful desire for anything that increases the reach and depth in contact with other living things.
Here is another image of the pyramid energy that goes in the other direction. The soul, a spirit floating low-density, is seeking the embodiment, the pyramid rises in the transformation process, is increasingly compressed until the crystallisation onset = = = incarnation pyramid base. An energy light body manifests.
What is a living verifiable truth in the future for all generations, is still very controversial, because too little explored: WE ARE LIGHT WORK there and from various energy dense bodies.
PLUTO might further conjunct the North Node in Capricorn and sends the message of "diamond cutting", the arduous training to perfection, an ideal - the perfect stone / the skillfully cut diamond - to manifest absolutely can.
it in the aspect of image is a barely visible square between Venus and Mars and the lunar nodes. This is the work and effective tool with which we GRINDING ON STONE - just at the side of the Saturn-Pluto square ! So just to our most stubborn and fanatical beliefs, we believe firmly and where we have built a full of lies, we the "world" or "I" and the name has nothing to do with reality.
we doing THE WORK * and take the grinding tool into the grateful hands.
The full article can be found at ASTRO NEWS
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