Today's full moon is in the air signs AQUARIUS while the sun is just staying over in the fire signs LION . Because of this comparison, the moon-lit subject and can realize be made. The conflict on the AQUARIUS-LEO-axis (onwards, subject CREATIVITY is) is a conflict between individual (Leo) and group / society (Aquarius) , for between his own will (lion) and the socio-economic need change and renewal (Aquarius), between a creative performance or pleasurable role in the system (lion) and a search for creative solutions, which are directed against the existing system and its traditional values (Aquarius).
It is also the tension between Ichverwirklichung / acting out of emotions and desires / lust for life & love / "Fun" - All in the existing system - (lion) and the need to break out of the existing system of individual freedom for ALL, according to equality, emancipation and freedom for brotherly and sisterly relations (AQUARIUS). The Aquarius moon flooding issues and problems of outsiders, marginalized groups and minorities high, the cry for attention and solution. difficult to handle the sudden emotional "release", springing out of feelings, the sudden reversal of prior emotional closeness / bonding for emotional coldness and detachment.

tell us what the Sabian Symbols to this full moon constellation?
A deserter from the Navy.
Key: The individual self-realization by the decisive rejection of a collective state, which has become unbearable.
This image / icon reaches the conflict between the individual and the collective or its values, goals and rituals of its height. Individuals take a decision here and commits "desertion". He refuses to obey the commands of others and recognize the cultural and social patterns of the system. With this decision he has "known colors" whistle on a social status, corresponding binds of its collective obligations ("civic duty" / "military duty"), is an outsider, and often the "outlaws", but can achieve by the individualization of consciousness. The self-discovery and personal fulfillment are more important than it has become a collective state to be for him became unbearable. This is no longer irreversible decision, he has begun the process of its Desozialisierung - today is a man called anti-social and has the charter of the outsider or the outcast. He is free - at least on the values and patterns of the prevailing system - And can he belongs to a larger whole - experienced - the planetary consciousness, or the universe.

A middle-aged woman, long hair flowing over her shoulders and a youthful strapless dress.
key: meet
The will of the challenge of age within the meaning of the celebration of youth in our modern society.
We are at the beginning of the fire signs LION , where the path of individualization and awareness begins. Dane Rudhyar writes about this Scene in the first half-lion with burns, because here the energy rises from the heart to the head, mental / biological energy (shoots, etc.) enters the ego-controlled consciousness range of difficult and dangerous process of mentalization begins.
3 ° Leo shows the image of an independent, confident woman who can not bind to biological (age) or by social standards and norms. Who these zodiac degree has proven to personal planets, may have on the physical level, a connective tissue, is the genetic connection facility-wise weak - even in the social field. a result of these weak-binding but man the opportunity, regardless of the standards of the society, the particular mode or the customs of a certain age to seek other, to seek new action ideal for alignment, treat yourself to perhaps the right of youth experiences that have been withheld from him earlier are.

As at 3 ° Aquarius refusal to be here at 3 ° in the lion the individual, by the standards of his system to go compliant. The keywords for this full moon be:
true colors ... to address self-discovery and personal fulfillment ... to show the courage to outsiders ... recognize bond weakness as an opportunity for independence and individuality and welcome ... to the right, on their own experience ... by a courageous decision, or indeed an intolerable become social role (social status) from the neck to create refuse ... if the conditions / obligations / requirements of environment is unbearable, and with his own determination, the right to self-determination, self-realization conflict etc. ... change the existing status ...
reconsideration with any new perception of the status of desozialisierten / anti-social people ...
The full article is on my side ASTRO NEWS
Greetings from a somewhat battered
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