11/07/2010 NEW MOON in CANCER
with total solar eclipse (south Pacific, New Zealand, southern Südamerka)
This total eclipse is for 22 months, the last and it falls largely into the water in the South Pacific, for example, from Easter Island and Tonga is to observe. Now applies to the astrology of the proposition as above - so below. While part of the inhabitants of the last two eclipses follow the lights in the sky, they throw the same time their Shadow on certain zones of the earth's surface.
the top of the sky visible shadows and eclipses have with what's happening on the earth below a compound related to the psychological shadows and shadow issues of individuals, ethnic groups and states, ie unresolved, unconscious content. And each eclipse casts a shadow even by months. This time we find in earthly events a well-understandable representation of the migratory darkness in the sky: the wandering black oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico (formed by the deep-sea drilling and the explosion of Deepwater Horizon ) that threatens our most precious habitat, the water.
has always been placed in the sky with darkness disasters and major changes on Earth here. On the basis of event charts (of State and city foundations, politicians, etc.) and comprehensive information in advance can really personal, collective and state recognized by darkness and dismay, and related measures, such as preparations for change and alternatives to be taken.
eclipses but also generate new possibilities for positive, if once fallen light on the dark areas ... if something comes to light, with which we have been much higher. Finally, all events are here caused by human action and influence - the world - from environmental disasters to wars and discoveries. What was it good or bad, temporarily or permanently, and influential, often turns out until centuries later.
new moon and eclipse in the water sign of Cancer
eclipses always take place at new moon or full moon when the moon's nodes in the vicinity of this constellation are. The current total solar eclipse will be held on new moon in the water sign of Cancer, near the south lunar node. The activated through the dark shadow issues therefore concern globally and collectively WATER-level health / cleanliness of the sea, the fish and aquatic animals, and the boat ride. Personally affected our retreats, home, apartment, our families, roots, ancestry, ancestors, traditional culture, topics of care, protection, nutrition and support. Collectively and personally is the archetype of the GREAT MOTHER addressed as Mother Church and its representatives, the city, the land, the earth, caves, oceans, etc., as well as shadow issues such as welfare and dependency, abuse of power by addicts or those entrusted (children / charges), personal property claims in humans. WATER is the elemental and structural basis of life of all living things, the necessary force to feed everything to gain and integrate into a larger whole. The symbolism of water is extensive and profound:
water represents the unconscious, of the nature and contents of the psyche and generally emotions. The "water of life" - actually a liquid light - is the source of life and flow of life, a place of mystery, danger and the Rapture of the profound transformation, renewal and displacement. It has unexpected depths, can tear, flood clean, heal, renew and integrate. The wisdom of the water is in mirror image cognition. Anyone stepping into the water, goes to itself, on the livelihoods, the original knowledge. The power of water is the ability to feel as organic whole and react.
Let's look at the zodiac degree of this new moon and take the Sabian Symbols to help, the picture on this zodiac degrees.
SUN / MOON Venetian gondoliers to 20 ° CANCER
play a serenade.

What can / could this icon to individuals associated with the simultaneous eclipse of the sun and the signs of the times - the "Cardinal Climax" - mean?
First of all, it feels good to know this feeling pregnant lucky sign - for all the disasters of messages that are often associated with a solar eclipse. Where the soul due to compliance and harmonious addition to sounds and vibrates, music is in the game. What a joy it prepares the individual, if his actions are based on the basis of emotions, from the respective society and culture will be accepted! Consider next the gondoliers and the minstrels of the Middle Ages, the street musicians and street organ players who have penetrated into the pedestrian streets and backyards.
It is not everyone's cup of tea or calling, to sing a song on the road for the beloved - but there are many possibilities and accepted roles in society, his feelings in public give expression to, simply "commit to color" and to fulfill his heart's dream become active. I can use, for example, for a charity or social cause, because I feel emotionally addressed it.
The signs are on transformation, change and tests of alternative and new opportunities! Only to constantly lick old wounds, brings no relief and healing. For a happy and successful change in almost every area are needed brave people who dare to go easy ways to trust the happiness and follow the music of her heart.
There are currently many dissatisfied, frustrated, unhappy people, which is improving the Terms and conditions are waiting, but who have given the responsibility of the state, municipalities, politicians or any gurus, about mothers and about fathers. It will, however, more and more new consciousness-sun in the morning sky on people, although just as frustrated, hurt, are weakened and disillusioned by the social and societal structure, however, take responsibility for personal happiness and life back into their own hands - especially in the context of sustainable prosperity for future generations.
just the current constellation of Jupiter / Uranus in the first degree of Aries, the fiery cardinal signs the beginning, gives us all the courage a good measure of savagery and irrational madness to dare the impossible to sweep namely the existing often frozen food and survival situations, despite considerable opposition from the back and ...
into the unknown and seemingly jump UNSAFE
... just ... alone ... or with other disappointed ...
There are many who enter in the blank space and see there COMPLIANCE - a precious commodity that multiplies the existing forces. The bold entry into this empty space is a creative act, the sudden and immediate new perspectives and possibilities for action releases. There
unhappy, frustrated, whiny and bored it is really enough! How about happy times with a role in society? Each review will reconsider its position, and sensing and decide.
With this joyful message of the new MOON SAAT for humanity and I would like to include all who feel addressed, courage to make a fresh start with a happy role in society. We have it in hand, the "Pandora's box" in the GRAL to walk with our decision and the generations to a happy stable livelihoods offer based on a cheerful and joyful mood. While we take care of our little personal happiness and take responsibility for this, we show others how to do it and that it works.
we are!
Star Greetings from Sundra
The full article can be found at ASTRO NEWS on my website.
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