Ha, I swam in my pool exercises to Sundra's first moon article
http://ex-pan-vision.blogspot.com/2011/03/432011-neumond-in- the-fischen.html
Then Sundra swam in a personal mail to me thus: Would not you write your Human Design view on this?
Yes, ka bad ... swimming exercise for understanding, for a different angle and / or for an alternative swimming direction :))))
Here you are ... and it is clearly useful, sometimes at first Sundra's new moon be over swum shipping.
The sun / moon position at 13 ° y pico (depending on location) fish corresponds to the gate 63 in the human design, derived from the Hexagram 63 in I Ching. It is in the so-called head center, which raises all sorts of questions too happy, but still rather have the answers to these questions. In this case, the questioning gate 63 logically comprehensible desires and forward-looking answers. Condition would be since, in principle, that I impart to the other questions (so they ask) and the others give me an answer. wanted
NEVER does this question and answer game, if I as a questioner / r myself the answers or find them yourself!
INFORM, a little bit with the other parts is the key to understanding this logic circuit.
That sounds logical, right?
But whoops, is nothing answers as far and wide (no gate 4 with respect to which then forms an active / Energie.Kanal defined), or the answers are yes not the topic of Goal 63, "Before Completion" Goal of the doubt means.
That, however, that both the sun and the moon (that is, this new moon) in an open head center are, that is not active potential (for questions), but have "only" a dormant / resting energy. Quite simply put, this means that this is not one comes to intellectual matters actively to ask the other (and themselves least of all!).
Ah, what do we do and / or what can we draw as it were of benefit, for an understanding of the whole constellation of new moon?
And since then I have been a bit wider perspective, and more accepting of the longer-term energy issues / transits. And mainly because:
Saturn and the North Node form long a time the channel "The perfect form." Well look there, as it energy for a perfect form and Goal 63 something murmurs of "Before Completion".
and you could score 63 like to ask this: How does this fit together? And then would
same doubt
a. What could be the perfect / perfect form or
b. Whether man / woman can ever reach? or c.
Hamma now the perfect / perfect shape or
Ching d.'s still a perfect bissl?, Etc., etc.
But the open-head center thank-gate 63 is sleeping peacefully in front of him, with the awareness (sun) that in the spiral of life, every end a beginning. And if this awareness is now in goal, "After completion" is, yes, everything is ready ... daweil.
So to the canal "The perfect form" Coming back
The form is completed by and / or shows up as completed (quasi perfect), combine to give when the two following hand /:
With Intuition / intuitive insight / clarity in the now HIS.
The integration is the pure life, to which not even the most trivial question or response is needed. This is the full deste form of life, original, life-sustaining.
And as I now scrape the curve of gate 63 to Sundra's Lady in the enclosing and protecting imaging fox fur?
Intuitive empathy (in the situation now = now) hamma discussed as a prerequisite for the finished form already. The stationary gate 63 could, in my view, a protective and camouflage (actually warning) against the use of intelligence and his wisdom (if they fall into the category of "mental power") to have the intuitive empathy and / or the instinctive shooting is not prevented.
intuition and instinct is the survival assurance "technology" (built-in mechanism in biology) and delivered by the connection in Jetztsein "The completed form," the age of protection, the perfect camouflage, the completed disappear (escape) .. no matter who and what always wanted to threaten us.
who doubt (Gate 63), is eaten or eat themselves up.
gate 63 has as a base line "serenity" (equanimity about the achievements and the further development of its natural Running leaving), then from the "structure" (the creation of conditions) and "resistance" line of the sun and new moon (commitment to the new beginning) is formed. And this has
gate 63, the gift of something at the right time, intuitively INTO QUESTION. ... Said the sly fox.
So then fall away all the nagging doubts that make us anxious, insecure and vulnerable ... this is "ladylike" getting closer;).
And all together is not a nice Fuzzy, the surrounded us since?
I envelop it now with the pajamas ... this was the perfect form in the now ... after writing the article late at night yesterday:)))
Now I swim further ... with two felos
undoubted regards:)))
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