The SUN / MOON - opposition (Full Moon) is located exactly on the T-square of the cardinal climax - Constellation (see tags) to 1 ° ARIES / LIBRA in a square to Pluto and the Nördl. Node. So there are 6 planets plus Node involved in a very exciting performance triangle or T-Square: Moon-Jupiter-Uranus-Sun-Saturn-Pluto. A full moon exactly on the cardinal points of the equinox is really something special, beautiful, strong, decisive. The full moon brings
position right on the first degree of Aries / Libra, it means that we have 28 days later a second full moon in this sign: 23 October to the last degree in Aries and Libra.
The interplay between Aries and Libra, we learn with each new beginning, with each new encounter, each new project, waking up and getting up at the beginning of a journey. The Aries moon urges to action, and to conquer the unknown - the Libra-sun delayed action, thinks first time in over the effect of weighing up. Aries moon and Libra sun are a wise couple who mutually complement and balance and harmony leads to:
acts of man (artist) and thinkers
spontaneous thinking and deliberative thinking - both lead to action
self-centeredness and Dubezogenheit
activity and passivity
resolve and indecision
violent peaceful change and changes
offensive and defensive
challenge for and strive for unification
masculinity and femininity (androgynous)
"If you have pure wisdom, and you do not have pure actions and get lost in impetuous action, without regard to the cause and effect of karma, you will not be you or other self-beneficial, and even fail your pure wisdom. Should you have pure actions, but no insight of the essential emptiness of all things have, it will be impossible to you to help yourself and others, and your deeds are pure turn into the opposite. If you are not united pure wisdom and pure deeds, you will inevitably get on bad paths. It is therefore necessary that you both learn. "
(DROM, Tibetan Guru 1000 AD).
both energies have in common the desire for harmony, enlargement of the horizon, sociability, love of freedom, Organizational skills, the disenchantment of the world and a desire for perfection Karma. Without internal or external conflicts that lead to decisions, it goes from barely. The wisdom of thinking of the scale should be followed by attainment by deeds (Aries). This PLUTO is in Capricorn (at the tip of the power triangle) reasonable opportunity.

the Moon is at 1 ° in Aries, the point of the vernal equinox. The Sabian symbol reads:
A woman has risen from the sea. A seal embraces her. Here
rise of new forms from the ocean of the collective unconscious (fish-energy) up, and thus internal opportunities to realize these forms be. But the Rückwärtssog of the old, failed way of the past is just as strong as the impulse for life and the people can always move back into the unconscious or in the darkness (the seal). The ability to fail and to succeed is equally strong.
Jupter and Uranus are at the last two levels in the water sign Pisces, the Old impregnate with the pattern of the new revelation and vision. The issue of energy and especially the demand of oil for a healthy solution before these two planets pass for the last time the ram point.
The Sun is at 1 ° Libra, the point of the autumn equinox:
In a collection of perfect Examples of many different life forms is a butterfly, the beauty of his wings,.. His body is skewered by a thin arrow

with the scale begins the Yin principle to increase again, the darkness, the collective force says, the symbol us if will be the human race a global whole, she has to learn to act in accordance with the human archetype Dane Rudhyar writes: "The action of the group is required to realize the full potential of human nature - one might say.: the 'idea', was the God of man. Conversely, if humanity is to succeed, it needs to structure and their behavior after the . Divine idea Align ".
The arrow is replaced by the butterfly in its perfect condition and makes him an archetype that is the symbolic Transfiguration: The Transfiguration of Jesus was the Son of Man," pierced "by the beam of divine light and became the Son of God - at the very moment when he learned that he stood before the crucifixion
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