Sundra's article on the Capricorn full moon of 26 June to share FB

love amateur astronomers, astrologers expression coined by
"Cardinal Climax" (source in "Astrology Today") is the phase of 2008 - 2015 used, in which the slow moving planets Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are in the first grades of the three cardinal sign of Libra, Aries and Capricorn, making each other hard, that is difficult and challenging aspects. The hot phase of the summer shows in the fact that as from June, the fourth JUPITER Planet this cardinal spirit of optimism and fueling with SUN / MERCURY complete in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn (the full moon and lunar eclipse-position) the CARDINAL CROSS.
For the record I must mention that as a result of previous retrograde Saturn is still on the last two degrees in Virgo and until 21 July the cardinal zero in the balance achieved, its impact is already being felt. Thus, the four cardinal corners of the Zodiac (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) of 7 planets filled with great power and force and power of initiation, renewal, change, personal and social renewal in the area. In a situation such as this - the stress and activation of the cardinal signs in their first five levels, especially by the slow-moving planets - the world as a whole is concerned, the whole of mankind, the global consciousness, energy and world economy with its resources, the climate, nature and environment, social structure, etc.

It is now really, blow by blow 'on - with challenging crises, breakthroughs, breakdowns, as the forces of the old, hardened and rigid (Saturn, the Moon and Pluto in Capricorn) need to be broken by mobilizing all energy - as well as insights, breakthroughs, big, bold and forward-looking actions. This lunar eclipse turned the cardinal climax - Constellation already felt one month prior to the exact position and think of the effect on her well until November 2010. Next month (July), followed by a solar eclipse. The United States, especially the region of Central America and the Gulf of Mexico (Oil Spill) fall in the range of visibility as well ... China, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and the eastern part of Indonesia (Sumatra). In Europe, the voltage constellations of the lunar eclipse be felt. I refer further to the great astrology schools / magazines and their pages on the net. Another high point is reached in late July, when Mars and Saturn will meet at 1 ° Libra and the cardinal T-square is exact. It is expected with great power conflicts and unexpected intrusions / events.
Anyone interested in reading the full article, please go to my website at ASTRO NEWS

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