Ooops, that reminds me the first thing Tohuwabohoo one with sexual abuse cases in the ranks of the Catholic Church fathers, that is sexual and a spiritual path that impale themselves tremendously in the everyday reality and appear to be two incompatible needs are ....
Well, one of us "normal" people no one demanded by celibate vows, that is to live without sex and / or our lives exclusively to God. Despite all this for the mere mortals Sexuality somehow under siege with the cloud of supposedly Christian standards that define what's allowed and what is not. And has to live entirely for and with God, thereby also get an authoritarian character, why religion [institutionalized] as a guide for a spiritual path will increasingly rely.
nevertheless remain both a basic need and the search for a full life continues unabated.
And before we discuss here is, what sexuality could be based on the spiritual path for a meaning / purpose is / are, once we dive into the reality of science that the trigger for a willingness to engage in sexual Activities examined. The first verplüffende finding was that sexuality, or the willingness to begin in the mind long before we realize even aware that there is something in the body suggests. Scientists wanted to find out also whether it be a "code" [of external signals?] indicates that a man or a woman [varies] "start". And our belief that the most important signal the attractiveness of [outer beauty] of a person is the sexually exhausted, was picked apart scientifically. Phew, relief for all the beauty cult that has developed;))
The next Hammer of the scientific Findings is that the willingness to sexuality in principle the development stage of the Neanderthal has not been exceeded. It is and remains the biological function of reproduction and preservation of the species due to biological / hormonal functions that are controlled in the brain unconsciously for us. And under this aspect, the willingness to get sexual activity is a serious distinction between what men and women are concerned, or separated since [first time], the "coding". Men find women [unconscious] attractive / sexually attractive when they are in the fertile phase of their cycle, and women are more open to sexuality in this period. Which man are they prepared to decide YOU null "voice" for the man;)))
Simultaneously with this fertile phase, it puts other forms of behavior on the day in order to signal their openness. This is irritating to the men and / or filled a good portion of testosterone, which shows well in the swelling of his male sex organ, whether it is used or not. All right, now there, dancing around a crowd of excited men and what could now be a [biological] selection criterion for women? Big, strong, combat ready to provide her and the offspring-AUWEIHA because nothing will have changed since Neanderthal times?
More at http://www.kup.at/kup/pdf/433.pdf
dive And not because a few serious questions that come to "civilized" people do?
At least, today sexuality lived width of reproduction to pornography, homosexuality, transsexuality, expression of love and / or desire and pleasure, etc., that is also a Selbstbestimmheit of their own sexual expression outside of the fertile phase / age specific standards and / or supply in the social sense. Ahhhh and apropos sense that yes often heralds the spiritual path ... ..
is when children get to understand the meaning, I'd say, because children give life a special meeting [even with all the challenges].
Did not have children / want sex just for fun and also a sense and / or fulfillment?
Does it make sense and / or it is fulfilling that refurbishes [mostly] men and women their sex drive with pornography and the porn industry 50 billion annually to implement this request?
Does it make sense that the board of a bank, chained like a dog, a dominatrix high heels licking? ;)))))
Does it make sense that almost everything in sexual "game forms" is possible, in which the line between pleasurable rewarding and destructive [of violence, abuse, etc.] distorted?
Hmmm, and if I ask around me so [also in myself], there is actually a deep desire for relationship, the longing for love, security and acceptance in principle and not for sex. So sexuality may be a result of it and not the goal.
And once the dimensions would love to [sexual] game, mixing in a spiritual plane that would take a closer look what is being played and / or what / where / woman is willing to play along ;))))
Sun terms, we want to provide the driving motivation of the unconscious [biological sexual] Neanderthal level in the service of a conscious dimension, which connects and separates, love, a sense of wholeness and / or mediated unity.
Na eh know, the love starts within ourselves, where we treat our bodies like a [holy] "temple".
is not trampled around here, namely, possible properties from us, which we reject.
Here is also not hurrying around because / woman would have to do something else more important than now in the temple to BE.
are here presented gifts and received in silence / rest in shares.
means we have to go anywhere else before we made our way [to love] do! On the spiritual path, we start right where we are. We take the whole of the present being and accept all his flaws [if missing and / or strenuous relationship, work, sexuality, etc.] and take it with you on the road. This is the openness about the search ends in the spiritual dimension, as a reflection on the material plane for sexual openness, and vice versa. In order to give
around the one-way openness and stability, but still we need a mantra to center the mind. Everyone there has their own individual mantra or word, which for him / her designate their highest and most positive quality of the motivation for all decisions and actions. Thus, it is virtually our own ideal and / or our own "standard", the / the in the assessment of our journey serves as a guide. That is, we have our own inner authority, without external assets and / or expectations and / or "standards" of others. And the stability and direction to the way we get when we are in many ways, the openness to offer to return to our inner ideal / mantra. Yes, not often easy!!
My mantra is joy, but it could be any other word that has a highest and most positive quality specifications for the individual. That is, I know I have strayed from my path when I do something, something that I can not really enjoy.
However, we also need an ideal mental attitude towards ourselves, the family / the home, work and friends or "enemies", so anything that affects us in everyday life. This mental attitude is derived from the spiritual ideal / mantra and is ALL take over, even to myself about.
My attitude is acceptance, but it could just as forgiveness, empathy, kindness, etc. are.
Whether positive or negative relationship (what and whomever) in daily life, I can work towards this mental attitude, as for me, that this (what else) relationship joy in the acceptance of people, the circumstances of the current situation X does. This requires
Perseverance, sincerity and patience ... pfffff;.))) So that we can manifest the right thing for us on the physical level, give it a shape. And to calm
: spiritual ideals and mantras, and mental attitudes may change with the growth process also :))))
Source: Edgar Cayce, about sexuality and enlightenment.
Well, what about sexuality?
Almost the same as driving with a car;)))
/ woman goes 100x with 180 on the highway and it's nothing, but man / woman is visibly nervous from stress.
And / or it's something that makes trouble behind [ticket]. Crap!
And / or it's a real loss [accident] and man / woman is now unable to continue the path laid hated you [because car broke or injured or even dead]. Very stupid.
Directory mantra + mental attitude to diving. ...
/ woman leaves it with 180 times remain there to race, even pleasure only with 160 to go. Hey, where is the mental attitude?
/ woman has joy of driving, when the accepted 130;) No, it is already:)
/ woman leaves happily with the train, because they accepted that their car is an air pollutant. Aha! Yes, the little things count ....
"I Was net i find out foa, the main thing i am faster there ".... ;)))
patience ... then ... white man / woman breaks forth even where husband / wife ... also wenn'sa Zeiterl lasts.
Without patience, not a spiritual way:)
It's your choice ..
Yours Ingeborg
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