I am pleased with the nomination of this project in the competition Ideas Initiative Future - announced by UNESCO and the dm market
The first presentation of this future idea is in the regional area Westphalia on 15th January 2011 10-16 clock in
dm market
Geseker Strasse 10, in Salinenhof
33154 Salzkotten
If feel you like the project, visit us, give us a voice and the HEALING TRACKS project so that the chance of economic advancement. However, it can be voted only in person.
More information about the project for the future healing tracks in other press tracks the local region - in Brilon totally local.
We (the team HEALING TRACKS) seeking other artists Colleagues and therapists who enrich their offers and / or works salvation TRACE project and help it to spread via regional and national borders continue. Those who still want to join or has ideas for the purpose of patronage and sponsors, may get in touch with us.
With the economic support of 1,000 € (with enough votes), we would be able to make a first small collection of large format canvas printing and print media to create and specifically at public events to make the project known.
Thank you for your interest and your support!
Sundra Kanigowski
Website: http://www.heilspuren.de
E-mail: heilspurenprojekt@sundra.eu