opinion and propaganda As
small agreement on the election Sunday:
Hans Olaf Henkel Foundation, and writer
For this election, I am going with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I hope the voters of the red-green ghost to an end, that a Chancellor who has seduced many clueless on the most skillful and steered in the wrong direction, replaced by a chancellor is to say that what is arrives. On the other hand, it seems almost unfair that Schröder, Fischer, Trittin & Co. may soon be as cheap as it used to steal Lafontaine. You deserve it, the soup, they have brewed us also to take the blame. So is feared that those who will soon attempt to clear away the broken glass, must be soon be criticized by those who have destroyed the economic and foreign policy china only.
Roland Berger consultants
Germany is in fact facing a fateful election. Lack of economic growth, excessive public debt of 330 percent of the gross national product, 7 million job seekers and social security systems on the border insolvency: Our country has collapsed economically structurally, signs of recovery despite Gerhard Schroeder's courageous and real reforms and first. The new government needs a lot of courage to continue Renewal of our country, a credible market orientation and a Western-Christian value system.
Rolf Tophoven terrorism expert
I can breathe! The hours of content, often of little substance dominated televised debates are over. A campaign marked by emotion and sent packed populist eruption is over. Finally, on Sunday is "high noon" - the moment of decision! The hour of the sovereign, the electorate suggests. How often before an election is over the vote on Sunday in a veil of uncertainty whether their output. Delightful for pollsters - certainly. But disastrous for the country. Because Germany needs clarity in politics, takes courage for economic progress. This requires a clear electoral vote. I hope. The "Showtime" the campaign is over. It's not about the better self-expression, but in the long run better skills and concepts. Furthermore, we have to decide all on Sunday. It is in fact a choice of direction for Germany.
Norbert Walter Chief Economist
The early parliamentary elections in 2005, is paving the way unprecedented in the last 50 years. The war is finally over, the reunion because of the continuation of socialist politics in black and yellow, and red-green accident. The challenges multiply by an ever more globalized world, the ability to respond to vital and powerful it has been affected by the demographic decline. With this choice must be freedom and personal responsibility, "are professional" and "provide for Innovation" will be the standard of action. The coalition was not when Schroeder to a close attempt. Hopefully, Merkel knows the old socialists of their camp to prevent them are to the future and to the necessary reforms through. Professor Bassam Tibi
As a professor of international politics with a global network, I know that Schroeder and Fischer considerable damage to the foreign policy have done. When I threw before I left for New York for a guest professorship my ballot in the mailbox, I had a good feeling to have done something for my country. Chancellor Merkel is the better for a new beginning in Germany
Henryk Broder journalist and author
For the first time in my 40-year career as a sovereign, I will not choose the SPD. Not even the Greens. I was long enough for the typical voting bloc that could have been chosen a broom handle if it had stuck the note "red-green". Only through conviction, there was no alternative to the SPD, then calculus. It was just the "lesser evil". As Gerhard Chancellor Schröder and Joschka Fischer was foreign minister, I felt a twinge of German pride, a country in which you can bring the son of a maid and an Opel laborers it so far, such a country is better than its reputation.
Brigitte Kronauer writer
I try to hope: At one of social justice committed domestic policy, a foreign policy that is steadfastly on diplomacy and, last but not least, to an environment ministry, which does not go against the demands of the economy to its knees .